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AN City of San Leandro <br />Meeting Date: March 3, 2014 <br />ONR x419" ` Resolution - Council <br />File Number: 14-039 <br />TO: City Council <br />FROM: Chris Zapata <br />City Manager <br />BY: Debbie Pollart <br />Public Works Director <br />Agenda Section: ACTION ITEMS <br />Agenda Number: <br />FINANCE REVIEW: Not Applicable <br />TITLE: RESOLUTION Approving a Joint Use Agreement Between the San Leandro <br />Unified School District (District) and the City of San Leandro (City) for the Joint <br />Use of Recreational Facilities - Pacific Sports Complex <br />WHEREAS, Section 10900 et, seq, of the California Education Code (the Community <br />Recreation Act) authorizes cities and school districts to organize, promote and conduct <br />programs of community recreation for the promotion and attainment of general educational <br />and recreational objectives and to construct, maintain and operate recreation centers, <br />including playgrounds and outdoor playing fields; and <br />WHEREAS, Section 10910 of the Education Code provides that the governing body of any <br />school district may use or grant the use of grounds of the school district to any other public <br />entity for the purposes of such act, whenever such use does not interfere with school uses; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the City and District hereby agree that it is one of their missions to work jointly <br />to develop projects that provide a benefit to the City, the District and the community at large, <br />and working jointly includes sharing resources and responsibilities prudently and efficiently; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the citizens of San Leandro approved Bond Measure M in 2010, which <br />included renovation of the Burrell Field and Pacific Sports Complex; and <br />WHEREAS, City and District desire to provide by contract for the use of the Pacific Sports <br />Complex by City for community recreation activities, and for the use by District for education <br />and recreation purposes pursuant to said Community Recreation Act, as the provisions <br />thereof exist, or hereafter may be amended; and <br />WHEREAS, a Joint Use Agreement (JUA) between the City of San Leandro and District, a <br />copy of which is attached, was approved by the Board of the District on February 25, 2014, <br />and has been presented to this Council; and <br />City of San Leandro Page 1 Printed on 2/25/2014 <br />