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• <br /> • <br /> advance said sums and the expiration of any applicable cure period, with interest thereon as <br /> provided herein; and <br /> C. Performance of every obligation, covenant or agreement of Trustor contained <br /> herein and in the Loan Documents (defined in Section 1.1 below). <br /> AND TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TRUST, TRUSTOR <br /> COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br /> ARTICLE I <br /> DEFINITIONS <br /> In addition to the terms defined elsewhere in this Deed of Trust, the following terns shall <br /> have the following meanings in this Deed of Trust: <br /> "Loan Agreement" means that certain Loan Agreement dated as of <br /> executed by and between the Trustor and Beneficiary, providing for the Beneficiary to loan to <br /> Trustor One Hundred Thousand Dollars (S 100,000) for the development of the Property. <br /> "Loan Documents" means this Deed of Trust, the Loan Agreement, the Note, and the <br /> Regulatory Agreement. <br /> "Note" means that certain promissory note in the amount of One Hundred Thousand <br /> Dollars ($100,000) dated as of , executed by the Trustor in favor of the <br /> Beneficiary, the payment of which is secured by this Deed of Trust. <br /> "Regulatory Agreement" means that certain Regulatory Agreement, dated as of <br /> executed by and between Trustor and Beneficiary, and which sets forth the <br /> household income and rent restrictions for the HOME assisted units. <br /> ARTICLE II <br /> MAINTENANCE AND MODIFICATION OF THE <br /> PROPERTY AND SECURITY; ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br /> 2.1 Maintenance and Modification of the Property by Trustor. The Trustor agrees <br /> that at all times prior to full payment of the sum owed under the Note, the Trustor will, at the <br /> Trustor's own expense, maintain, preserve and keep the Security or cause the Security to be <br /> maintained and preserved in good condition. The Trustor will from time to time make or cause <br /> to be made all repairs, replacements and renewals deemed proper and necessary by it. The <br /> Beneficiary shall have no responsibility in any of these matters or for the making of <br /> improvements or additions to the Security. <br /> Trustor agrees to pay fully and discharge (or cause to be paid fully and discharged) all <br /> claims for labor done and for material and services furnished in connection with the Security, <br /> diligently to file or procure the filing of a valid notice of cessation upon the event of a cessation <br /> of labor on the work or construction on the Security for a continuous period of thirty(30) days or <br /> 2220130.1 Page 3 <br />