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PLN2013-00045;San Leandro Downtown Technology Campus/Westlake Development Partners,LLC.;1333 Martina Street January 2014 <br /> Mitigated Negative Declaration <br /> Mitigation Measure#3: The applicant shall conduct pre-construction surveys for the presence of <br /> • <br /> nesting birds within each of the project sites. The project applicant shall retain a qualified <br /> biologist to conduct a pre-construction breeding-season survey(approximately February 1 through <br /> August 31-)to determine if any birds are nesting on or directly adjacent to the project area. The <br /> survey shall be conducted during the same calendar year that construction is planned to begin. If <br /> no nesting birds are found, no further action would be required. <br /> If nesting birds are found within the trees on or directly adjacent to the project area, the project <br /> applicant shall avoid all birds nest sites located in the project area during the breeding season <br /> (approximately February 1 through August 31), or until it is determined by a qualified biologist <br /> that all young have fully fledged (left the nest). If the construction cannot be delayed, avoidance <br /> shall include the establishment of a non-disturbance buffer zone around the nest site. The size of <br /> the buffer zone will be determined in consultation with the CDFG. The buffer zone shall be <br /> delineated by highly visible temporary construction fencing,and shall remain in place until it is <br /> determined by a qualified biologist that all young have fully fledged (left the nest). <br /> Mitigation Measure#4: The applicant shall cease any grading or construction activities and shall <br /> consult with appropriate representatives of the Native American Heritage Commission if human <br /> remains are discovered, in accordance with State Law and Section 7050.5 of the Health and Safety <br /> Code, Section 15064.5 (e) of the State CEQA Guidelines and Section 5097.98 of the Public <br /> Resources Code. <br /> Mitigation Measure#5: The City of San Leandro has incorporated the 2012 International <br /> Building Code into its municipal building code(Title 7, Chapter 7-5). The project applicant would <br /> be required to comply with all applicable State and City regulations to address potential geologic <br /> hazards associated with the proposed project, including ground shaking and liquefaction. <br /> Geotechnical and seismic design criteria must conform to engineering recommendations in <br /> accordance with the seismic requirements of the 2013 San Leandro Building Code. Additionally, <br /> because the project site is in a liquefaction Seismic Hazard Zone, the project applicant will be <br /> required to comply with the guidelines set forth by California Geological Survey Special <br /> Publication 117. <br /> Mitigation #6: Applicant shall be required to excavate, remove and recompact potentially <br /> liquefiable soil. In-site ground densification, for example, compaction with vibratory probes, <br /> dynamic consolidation, compaction piles,compaction grouting, etc., shall be conducted. Ground <br /> • <br /> modification techniques, such as permeation grouting, columnar jet grouting, deep soil mixing, <br /> stone columns, gravel or other drains shall be implemented, and deep foundations shall be put in <br /> place to mitigate potential liquefaction-induced settlement impacts. Implementation of Mitigation <br /> Measure#6 reduces potential impacts to a less than significant level. <br /> Mitigation Measure#7: (Subsurface Investigations) <br /> Subsurface investigations are required prior to development of the San Leandro Downtown Tech <br /> Campus. The sampling and analysis•programs will be specific to each site based on the prior uses <br /> of that site. Additional groundwater sampling and analysis program will be implemented if <br /> necessary for chemical constituents that could have migrated onto the sites from off-site upgradient <br /> sources, if identified during due diligence. Detection limits for the analytical program will be <br /> sufficiently low to allow assessment of risks to human health under construction worker and <br /> residential exposure scenarios. • <br />