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PLN2013-00045;San Leandro Downtown Technology Campus/Westlake Development Panners,LLC.;1333 Martinez Street January 2014 <br /> Mitigated Negative Declaration <br /> Pursuant to the Downtown TOD Strategy (Page 74 — Abandoned Streets), Martinez Street between <br /> Thornton Street and West Estudillo Avenue will be vacated as part of this proposal. The development <br /> plan for the vacated portion of the street includes pedestrian,bicycle, street, sidewalk, landscaping and <br /> utility improvements. As part of the overall.development phasing plan, it may become necessary to . <br /> record one or more Lot Line Adjustments to accommodate the buildings and parking layout on the <br /> site. <br /> The project also includes the relocation of the existing at-grade railroad pedestrian crossing(currently <br /> located northeasterly of the Martinez Street terminus at West Estudillo Avenue between the subject <br /> property and the BART station) further south to provide more convenient access for pedestrians to <br /> access the BART fare gates. Public access to the crossing will be provided by a landscaped "Paseo" <br /> that will bisect the site in an east-west direction. <br /> • <br /> V. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE <br /> • <br /> The Planning and Housing Manager finds, based on the initial study, that the proposed project as <br /> described above will not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore does not require <br /> an environmental impact report. The mitigation measures identified herein would reduce all impacts <br /> -to a less than significant level. Therefore, there is no substantial evidence, in light of the whole record <br /> before the agency,that the project,with mitigations, may have a significant effect on the environment. <br /> VI. IDENTIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS <br /> An Initial Study conducted by the City of San Leandro (including an attached checklist)determined <br /> that the proposed project, with incorporated mitigation measures, will reduce anyproject impacts to a <br /> less than significant level. This Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with <br /> Section 15070 of the State of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. <br /> A. The proposed project has been reviewed according to the standards and requirements of <br /> the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and an Initial Study Environmental <br /> Evaluation Checklist has been prepared with a determination that the project will not have <br /> a significant impact on the environment and as long as the applicant complies with all <br /> identified mitigation measures. • <br /> B. The project area is located within the seismically-active Bay Area. Therefore, the <br /> project applicant would be required to comply with all applicable State and City <br /> regulations to address geologic hazards. The mitigation measures are conditions of <br /> approval. • <br /> VII. SUMMARY OF MITIGATION.MEASURES <br /> Mitigation Measure#1: The applicant shall cooperate with the appropriate regional, state and <br /> federal agencies to implement the regional Clean Air Plan and enforce air quality standards in <br /> compliance with General Plan Policy 31.01. <br /> Mitigation Measure#2: The applicant shall promote strategies that help improve air quality by <br /> reducing the necessity of driving, such as programs for carpooling and vanpooling, better <br /> provisions for bicyclists and pedestrians, and implementing mixed use and higher density <br /> development around transit stations in compliance with General Plan Policy 31.02. <br /> • <br /> 1 <br />