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Recommended Conditions of Approval February 20, 2014 <br />PLN2013-00045; 1333 Martinez Street Page 9 of 20 <br />screening levels and results discussed with a State environmental <br />regulatory agency. If the levels are below the relevant health-based <br />screening levels and the State environmental regulatory agency concurs, <br />no additional action may be necessary. <br />o If the soil contains COPCs at levels that exceed the relevant health-based <br />screening levels, or if the State regulatory agency concludes that an <br />unacceptable risk to construction worker or future residents may be <br />present, then management measures, such as the following, will be <br />undertaken: <br /> <br /> Remove the impacted soil and dispose of off-Site; <br /> Install a cap to prevent contact with the contamination; <br /> Install a physical barrier for vapors such as a vapor barrier or <br />passive venting system, to prevent the accumulation of vapors in <br />indoor environment; <br /> Stockpile soil and aerate on-Site, or in a staging area as may be <br />appropriate, in compliance with all applicable laws and <br />regulations; <br /> Conduct in situ bioremediation measures; or <br /> Implement liquid or vapor extraction measures. <br /> <br /> The appropriateness of one of the above management measures over another will <br />depend on many factors, such as the type of constituent detected, the size of the <br />identified impacted area, and the estimated cost of implementing the remedy. <br /> <br />Results of the sampling activities and the proposed course of action, e.g., no <br />action necessary, soil excavation and off-site disposal, on-site treatment and soil <br />reuse, shall be reported to a State environmental regulatory agency and the <br />contractor shall obtain concurrence before implementing the remedial measures. <br />Construction activities in the specific area where the unknown conditions were <br />identified will resume following the completion of the additional sampling <br />activities and the implementation of any required responses. <br /> <br />Any cleanup or remediation shall be required to meet applicable federal, state and <br />local laws, regulations and requirements. <br /> <br /> Imported Fill: To minimize the potential introduction of contaminated fill, all <br />imported fill shall have adequate documentation so it can be verified that the <br />fill source is appropriate for the site’s intended use. Documentation shall <br />include detailed information on previous land use of the fill source, any Phase <br />I Environmental Site Assessments performed and the findings, and the results <br />of any analytical testing performed. If no documentation is available or the <br />documentation is inadequate or if no analytical testing has been performed, <br />samples of the potential fill material shall be collected and analyzed. The <br />analyses selected shall be based on the fill source and knowledge of the <br />previous land use as determined by the developer’s environmental consultant. <br />The sample frequency for potential fill material shall be in accordance with <br />that outlined in the Department of Toxic Substances Control technical <br />document titled, “Information Advisory on Clean Imported Fill Material”.