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vi. Store all fluids indoors and when that is not possible, use secondary <br /> containment in a roofed, enclosure area,if stored outside. <br /> vii. Vehicle fluids must be properly managed and cannot be discharged in the <br /> garbage, sanitary sewer, or storm drain. <br /> viii. Keep all fluid containers elevated to protect them from rain water. <br /> ix. Clean up spills immediately with rags, absorbents, or wet/dry vacuum. Never <br /> allow vehicle fluids to flow into a storm or sanitary sewer drain inlet. <br /> x. Routinely inspect and clean storm drain inlets, parking areas, work areas and <br /> waste storage areas. <br /> xi. Apply Low Impact Development (LID), such as directing all runoff from the <br /> parking lot onto vegetated areas. <br /> xii. Implement a regular program of sweeping, litter control and spill clean-up. <br /> S. All on-site storm drain inlets shall be labeled"No Dumping—Drains to Bay"using <br /> permanent markers or medallions or thermoplastic paint. <br /> T. Interior floor drains shall be plumbed to the sanitary sewer system and shall not be <br /> connected to storm drains. <br /> U. The Project shall provide a roofed and enclosed area for dumpsters, recycling containers, <br /> • parts and equipment storage, and waste containers or keep such items indoors. The area <br /> shall be designed to prevent water run-on to the area and runoff from the area and to <br /> contain litter and trash, so that it is not dispersed by the wind or runoff during waste <br /> removal. Dumpster drips from covered trash and food compactor enclosures shall drain <br /> to the sanitary sewer, subject to the local sanitary sewer agency's authority and standards. <br /> V. The applicant shall comply with the following high standards for sanitation during <br /> construction of improvements: Garbage cans, construction dumpsters, and debris piles <br /> shall be removed on a minimum weekly basis. All food related trash items such as <br /> wrappers, cans,bottles, and food scraps shall be disposed of in closed containers only and <br /> shall be regularly removed from the site. Inspections, conducted as part of the regular <br /> construction compliance, will be conducted to ensure compliance of the Applicant and <br /> contractors with this requirement. <br /> W. Stabilized gravel construction entrance shall be installed per City Standard Detail Dwg <br /> No. 606. <br /> X. The applicant shall agree to a right-of-entry for the inspection of stormwater treatment <br /> structures and shall submit a certified, signed Stormwater Operation and Maintenance <br /> (O&M)prior to grading permit approval. <br /> IV. FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS <br /> A. The project shall comply with all building and fire codes in effect at the time of <br /> building permit submittal. <br /> B. The building shall not be utilized for high piled combustible storage. <br /> C. The building shall be required to be equipped with fire sprinklers. <br /> Agreement to Conditions February 6,2014 <br /> PLN2013-00066 Page 6 of 8 <br />