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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FINANCE <br />TITLE 6, Chapter 4 FISCAL YEAR 2015 ADOPTED FEES <br />§6.4.100: FEES. The following fees have been established by the City Council pursuant to various provisions of the San Leandro Municipal Code (SLMC), San Leandro Administrative Code (SLAC) or the general <br />laws of the State of California. <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - Building Regulations Division (continued) <br />3_Electrical Permit (Continued) <br />Service disconnecting means for additional meter $5.55 up to a maximum of $84.40 each <br />Fixed Residential Appliances (connection on new or existing circuits): <br />Electric range, dryer, combination washer and dryer, furnace, water $10.80 <br />heater, etc., each <br />Heaters (air, water and other kinds), furnaces and welding machines: For _Up to and including 20kW or kVA $22.90 <br />each DW or kVA and fraction of either. <br />Over 20kW or kVA to and including 50kW or kVA <br />Over 50kW or kVA to and including 80 kW or kVA <br />Over 80kW or kVA $111.40 <br />Fixed commercial appliances (connection on new or existing circuits) not exceeding 1 HP, kW or kVA: <br />Medical/dental equipment, food cabinets, show cases, laundry machines, $10.90 <br />Fire protection systems, other than smoke detectors <br />$15.80 <br />Smoke detectors <br />$4.70 <br />Motors, including starting and controlling apparatus therefore and wiring between <br />same and motor: <br />Up to and including 1 h.p. <br />$4.60 <br />1.1 h.p. to 10 h.p. <br />$10.90 <br />10.1 h.p. to 13 h.p. <br />$34.40 <br />13.1 h.p. to 16 h.p. <br />$42.10 <br />16.1 h.p. to 19 h.p. <br />$50.60 <br />19.1 h.p. to 22 h.p. <br />$58.20 <br />22.1 h.p. to 25 h.p. <br />$66.00 <br />25.1 h.p. to 28 h.p. <br />$73.90 <br />28.1 h.p. to 31 h.p. <br />$81.80 <br />31.1 h.p. to 34 h.p. <br />$90.00 <br />Above 34 h.p. <br />$90.50 <br />For changes, renewals or replacement of said apparatus, where no changes in <br />wiring are necessary <br />;One-half (1/2) of the amount set forth above <br />For motor generator sets, balancer sets, dynamotors and converters, including <br />control apparatus <br />_ 150% of fees set forth above, with a maximum for one <br />such machine of $90.00 <br />Transformers and balance coils, when not embodied in or included with apparatus for which fee is herein specifically prescribed, <br />Generators, and Rectifiers (mercury arc, vibrating and electrolytic) rated for each rated kVA and fraction thereof: <br />1 to 20 <br />$22.10 <br />21 to 50 <br />$57.10 <br />51 to 80 <br />$87.00 <br />81 and above <br />$100.00 <br />For inspection of alterations and changes in existing wiring, each inspection visit _$30.70 <br />Photovoltaic Fees do not include Issuing and Filing Fees, Automation fees, and other mandated fees <br />Photovoltaic - Residential $60.00 (includes over-the-counter plan check, 1 inverter, 1 disconnect, and <br />circuit connection to main panel) <br />Photovoltaic - Commercial/Industrial 0 to 8kw $256.00 (includes 1 hr. structural plan check, 1 hr. electrical plan check, and 1 it <br />Photovoltaic - Commercial/Industrial >8 to 48kw $358.00 (includes 1-1/2hr. structural plan check, 1 hr. electrical plan check, and <br />1 inverter) <br />Photovoltaic - Commercial/Industrial >48kw $715.00 (includes 4 hrs. structural plan check, 1 hr. electrical plan check, and 1 <br />inverter) <br />tacn U - OKw KV. inverter over "i <br />1$22.bu <br />Each >8 - 48kw P.V. Inverter over 1 <br />$53.10 <br />Each >48kw P.V. Inverter over 1 <br />$85.80 _ <br />Energy Conservation: review of plans and/or energy forms for all buildings <br />Direct Cost (1) with a minimum charge of $62.00 <br />subject to the California Energy Commission's conservation regulations (when <br />not covered by building permit) <br />Direct Cost = hourly personnel charge plus a factor of 100% for fringe benefits, <br />overhead and indirect costs <br />