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<br />adoption, taking over the care of a grandchild or even a parent. The intent is to expand the definition, <br />not minimize it. Member Heystek added that you may have an Aunt who provided child rearing and <br />suggested that the language be clarified to say, …”and any other individual with whom there was a <br />child-rearing relationship”. This language should be in both paragraphs of the definition. Secretary <br />Bellow noted the recommendations. <br />Member Heystek also asked about the written test exemption for Academy Graduate-Police Officer, <br />Lateral Applicant-Police Officer. Member Ballew mentioned that historically the Police Department <br />considered if an applicant completed the academy and/or were a lateral transfer, he/she would have <br />passed extensive testing and demonstrated knowledge, skills and abilities that would have been <br />required. Additional testing would have been repetitive. <br />Member Heystek provided a redline of the document showing the changes made by HR staff, Member <br />Browne and himself. A brief review of these changes ensued and Members Ballew and Dictor also <br />asked questions, which were addressed, and none of which resulted in substantive changes. <br />M | S | P (Browne/Heystek) to adopt Personnel Rules I-XVII as discussed and amended. <br />IV. EMPLOYMENT LIST EXTENSIONS: Secretary Bellow reported that there were two employment <br />list extensions requested. Both lists include viable candidates and they would like to keep the list active <br />for an additional six months. <br />V. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER’S REPORT: HR Manager Bellow reported that two members, <br />Badger and Heystek, are in need of completing the required ethics training. HR has completed an RFP <br />for a new Workers Compensation TPA and that the contract will be going to Council for approval in <br />May. Per the SLCEA MOU, HR is engaged in a meet and confer process for positions identified for <br />an equity study. Also, next week is Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work Day. We are pleased to <br />announce that a Washington Elementary School 3rd Grade class will be participating. <br />VII. MEMBER COMMENTS: Member Ballew congratulated everyone on completing the extensive <br />review and update of the Personnel Rules. <br />VIII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:09 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Signed: Date: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Chairperson O. B. Badger <br />G:\PRB\Minutes\2014\4.17.14 Meeting Minutes.docx