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EXHIBIT A <br /> STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR <br /> BOATING SAFETY AND ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT <br /> ARTICLE I - DEFINITIONS <br /> A. CONTRACT means the contract to which these standard terms and <br /> conditions are appended. <br /> B. PATROL BOAT, means a DEPARTMENT approved, heavy aluminum, <br /> equipped boat [with or without trailer and/or outboard motor] <br /> purchased for use in boating safety and law enforcement <br /> activities. <br /> C. PURCHASE COSTS means those costs incurred by the GRANTEE in <br /> purchasing the PATROL BOAT; such PURCHASE COSTS shall not <br /> include any operation and maintenance costs, nor any costs <br /> incurred prior to the effective date of this CONTRACT, nor any <br /> indirect or overhead costs claimed by the GRANTEE. <br /> D. GRANTEE FUNDS mean any funds provided by the GRANTEE for the <br /> operation and maintenance of the PATROL BOAT. <br /> E. GRANT means a grant, using STATE FUNDS, made by the DEPARTMENT <br /> to the GRANTEE to finance all or part of the PURCHASE COSTS. <br /> 4 67 <br />