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ARTICLE II - TERM OF CONTRACT <br /> A. The term of this CONTRACT shall begin on the effective date of <br /> the CONTRACT and shall continue for FIFTEEN [15] YEARS from such <br /> date unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms and <br /> conditions of this CONTRACT. <br /> B. No amendment or variation of the terms of this CONTRACT shall <br /> be valid unless made in writing, signed by the DEPARTMENT, <br /> GRANTEE, and approved as required. No oral understanding or <br /> CONTRACT not incorporated in the CONTRACT is binding on any of <br /> the parties. <br /> ARTICLE III - DISBURSEMENT OF GRANT <br /> A. The DEPARTMENT shall have no obligation to disburse the GRANT <br /> unless and until the GRANTEE obtains the prior written approval <br /> of the DEPARTMENT of the type and cost of the PATROL BOAT and <br /> attendant equipment. <br /> B. The DEPARTMENT will reimburse the GRANTEE through the GRANT for <br /> the PURCHASE COSTS of the PATROL BOAT. <br /> C. The DEPARTMENT may make payment under this CONTRACT upon receipt <br /> of a written payment request by the GRANTEE, such request shall <br /> be substantiated by invoices or other such evidence of PURCHASE <br /> COSTS and a signed certification that the GRANTEE complied with <br /> procurement procedures as outlined in ARTICLE XIII. <br /> 68 5 <br />