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June 2, 2014City Council Draft Minutes <br />With the consensus of the City Council, Item 5, Public Comments, was moved <br />to this point on the agenda. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS5. <br />Dwight Pitcaithley commented on the viability of retaining the San Leandro Marina for <br />water transportation, and provided a financial analysis he prepared on the subject to <br />the City Council. <br />David Johnson, CEO of the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce, commented on the <br />East 14th South Area Strategy and thanked Recreation and Human Services Director <br />Carolyn Knudtson and City staff and volunteers for bringing back the Cherry Festival. <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS4. <br />4.A.14-207 Staff Report for Proposed Amendments to the City of San Leandro <br />Zoning Code Related to Increasing Flexibility in Industrial and <br />Commercial Uses; Adding Community Gardens; Revising Regulations <br />for Telecommunications, Hazardous Materials, Recycling, Signs, and <br />Parking; Clarifying and Revising Planning Entitlement Processing; and <br />Conducting General Text Updates in Zoning Code Article 3 Definitions; <br />Article 5 Residential Districts; Article 6 Commercial and Professional <br />Districts; Article 7 Industrial Districts; Article 8 Open Space District; <br />Article 9 Public and Semipublic District; Article 16 Development <br />Regulations; Article 17 Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations; <br />Article 18 Signs; Article 21 Zoning Permits Required, Environmental <br />Review, Fees and Deposits; Article 22 Use Permits, Variances, and <br />Parking Exceptions; Article 27 Amendments; and Article 28 Appeals <br />Councilmember Reed left the meeting at 9:26 p.m. <br />The hearing was opened to the public. <br />Comments were made by the following individuals: D. Kevin Shipp, David Johnson, <br />and A. Alan Berger. <br />There being no further public comments, and without objection, the Public Hearing <br />was closed. <br />14-208 ORDINANCE Amending the Zoning Code Article 3 Definitions; Article <br />5 Residential Districts; Article 6 Commercial and Professional Districts; <br />Article 7 Industrial Districts; Article 8 Open Space District; Article 9 <br />Public and Semipublic District; Article 16 Development Regulations; <br />Article 17 Off-Street Parking and Loading Spaces Regulations; Article <br />18 Signs; Article 21 Zoning Permits Required; Article 22 Use Permits, <br />Variances, and Parking Exceptions; Article 27 Amendments; and <br />Article 28 Appeals Related to Increased Flexibility in Industrial and <br />Commercial Uses; Adding Community Gardens Use and Regulations; <br />Revising Regulations for Telecommunications , Hazardous Materials, <br />Recycling, Signs, and Parking; Clarifying and Revising Planning <br />Page 2City of San Leandro Printed on 6/10/2014