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June 2, 2014City Council Draft Minutes <br />Entitlement Application Processing ; and Conducting General Text <br />Updates (amends Zoning Code to increase flexibility in industrial and <br />commercial uses; adds Community Gardens; revises regulations for <br />Telecommunications, Hazardous Materials, Recycling, Signs, and <br />Parking; clarifies planning application processes; and provides general <br />text updates) <br />A motion was made by Councilmember Cutter, seconded by Councilmember <br />Souza, that this ordinance be passed to print with amendment to increase the <br />notification radius in Article 22 from 300 feet to 500 feet. The motion carried by <br />the following vote. <br />Aye:Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Lee, Prola, Souza6 - <br />Enactment No: Ordinance 2014-007 <br />Item 5, Public Comments, was considered earlier in the agenda. <br />CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS AND COMMENTS6. <br />City Attorney Pio Roda announced the settlement in the case of Bay Cities Paving <br />and Grading v. City of San Leandro. <br />AMENDMENT OF CONSENT CALENDAR7. <br />Item 8.I. was removed from Consent Calendar to Item 9, Items Removed from <br />Consent Calendar. <br />CONSENT CALENDAR8. <br />Approval of the Consent Calendar <br />A motion was made by Councilmember Prola, seconded by Councilmember <br />Cutter, to approve the Consent Calendar. The motion carried by the following <br />vote. <br />Aye:Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Lee, Prola, Souza6 - <br />8.A.14-202 Minutes of the Meeting of May 19, 2014 <br />Approved as submitted on the Consent Calendar. <br />8.B.14-191 Staff Report for a Resolution Amending the San Leandro Management <br />Organization (SLMO) salary schedule to revise the classification titles <br />of Information Services Manager and Assistant Information Services <br />Manager to Information Technology Manager and Assistant <br />Information Technology Manager <br />14-192 RESOLUTION Amending the San Leandro Management Organization <br />(SLMO) Salary Schedule to Revise the Classification Titles of <br />Information Services Manager and Assistant Information Services <br />Manager to Information Technology Manager and Assistant <br />Page 3City of San Leandro Printed on 6/10/2014