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A. Cornices, canopies, eaves or other projections which do not increase the volume of <br />space enclosed by the building provided that any portion of such projections ex- <br />tending more than two (2) three (3) feet from the building shall be included as cov- <br />erage; <br /> <br />B. Fire escapes up to three and one half (3 ½) feet; <br /> <br />C. An uncovered stair and landing which does not extend above a ground floor en- <br />trance except for the railing; or <br /> <br />D. Bay windows, balconies or chimneys which project from the wall not more than two <br />(2) feet provided that such features do not in the aggregate occupy more than one- <br />third of the length of a wall which faces an interior side lot line, or more than two- <br />thirds of the length of a wall which faces a street or a rear lot line. <br /> <br />Covered porch. The covered, unenclosed portion over porches, balconies, <br />decks, terraces and patios. A trellis or arbor does not count as a covered porch. <br />The first 140 square feet of covered porch area is not counted. The porch area <br />beyond the 140 square foot allowance shall be counted at a 1/2:1 ratio for floor <br />area calculations. <br />Credit Union. See “Financial Institutions, Retail. <br /> <br />Cross-Dock. An industrial shipping facility with truck loading docks and/or doors located <br />on opposing sides of an enclosed or unenclosed platform. Shallow depth cross-docks <br />(such as those with less than seventy-five (75) feet between the opposing docks and/or <br />doors, and with minimal area for storage) are typically associated with the “Truck Termi- <br />nals” use classification. <br /> <br />Cultural Institutions. Non-profit institutions displaying or preserving objects of interest <br />in one (1) or more of the arts or sciences. This classification includes libraries, muse- <br />ums, and art galleries. <br /> <br />Dance Club Hall. Any establishment where the primary use is a person or persons <br />dance and where either: (i) such persons pay admission to each dance except where <br />admission charges are to be used for charitable, eleemosynary, educational, religious, <br />or social groups which do not include the distribution of profits to the sponsors or mem- <br />bers thereof.; or (ii) such place is connected to a place where alcoholic beverages are <br />sold. This definition includes, but is not limited to, any business establishment identified <br />in San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-4-100. See “Entertainment” for dancing at es- <br />tablishments other than dance halls. <br /> <br />Day Care, Child or Adult. General. A state-licensed facility Commercial business <br />and institutions that provides care for adult clients or minor children persons on a for <br />periods of less than twenty-four (24) hours basis per day for any client. This classifi- <br />cation is exclusive to those facilities licensed by the State of California, andThese facili- <br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amended Article 3 Page 13 <br />Note: underline and bolded text represents new text; strike-through text represents text to be eliminated