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<br />Floor Area, Gross. The total enclosed area of all floors of a building, other than a sin- <br />gle-family home in a RO or RS District, measured to the outside face of the structural <br />members in exterior walls, and including halls, stairways, mezzanines, elevator shafts at <br />each floor level, service and mechanical equipment rooms, and basement or attic areas <br />having a height of more than seven (7) feet. For measure of floor area in a single-family <br />home, refer to Section 2-578: Residential Site Plan Review - Measure of Floor Area and <br />General Requirements. <br /> <br />Floor Area, Residential. The measure of floor area in a single-family home in an RO or <br />RS District. Refer to Section 2-578: Residential Site Plan Review - Measure of Floor Ar- <br />ea and General Requirements. <br /> <br />Floor Area Ratio (FAR). The gross floor area of a building, excluding the area used ex- <br />clusively for vehicle parking and loading divided by the total lot area of the parcel on <br />which the building is situated. Please refer to the Floor Area Ratio illustration below. <br /> FLOOR AREA RATIO <br />(The diagram is illustrative) <br /> <br /> <br />Food Processing, General. Establishments engaged in the manufacturing or pro- <br />cessing of food or beverages for consumption and wholesale distribution where the pro- <br />cessing of food is primarily from raw materials or involves complex food packaging. This <br />classification includes breweries and establishments where the food processing may <br />involve noxious or unpleasant odors. <br /> <br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amended Article 3 Page 20 <br />Note: underline and bolded text represents new text; strike-through text represents text to be eliminated