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8C Consent 2014 0616
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2014 0616
8C Consent 2014 0616
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6/11/2014 10:49:18 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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File Number: 14-211 <br />(c)Mobile food vendors shall not conduct business operations on privately owned property <br />within single-family zoning districts or developments unless otherwise permitted pursuant to <br />this Chapter. <br />(d)No permit issued by the City for the purpose of mobile food vending may be transferred or <br />assigned to another mobile food vendor or mobile vending unit. <br />4-34-250 Mobile Food Vending Permit Required; Application Requirements <br />(a)It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of mobile food vending within <br />the City of San Leandro without first obtaining a permit therefore as provided herein. <br />(b)All new and existing mobile food vendors shall obtain a Mobile Food Vending Permit for <br />operation at any location within the City of San Leandro. A Mobile Food Vending Permit is <br />required for each mobile food vending unit. All applicants must execute an application in <br />writing on a form furnished by the Director of Finance. In order to obtain a Mobile Food <br />Vending Permit, mobile food vendors must provide the following: <br />(1)Proof of a valid Alameda County Environmental Health Department Permit . <br />(2)A route map or written description showing the proposed route (s) and location(s) for <br />each mobile food vending unit, which shall be updated annually at the time of business <br />license renewal. Route and location changes before the annual business license <br />renewal must be submitted by a mobile food vendor, which shall become an addendum <br />to the original permit. <br />(3)A copy of the mobile food vendor’s valid California driver’s license as well as a valid <br />California driver’s license for any person that will operate the mobile food vending unit . <br />(4)Where applicable, a valid California Department of Motor Vehicles registration <br />certificate. <br />(5)Proof of the following insurance requirements maintained during the term of the <br />permit. <br />(i)General Liability Insurance. $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence <br />for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. <br />(ii)Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident. <br />(iii)Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Mobile food vendors shall be <br />responsible for all liability for personal injury or property damage which may <br />result from their activities under the permit, or proximately caused by failure on <br />their part to perform obligations under said permit. If any claim or such liability is <br />made against the City, its officers, or employees, the mobile food vendor shall <br />indemnify, defend and hold them and each of them harmless from any loss, <br />liability, damage, claims, expenses or cost sustained by any person or property <br />including any claim based on the active or passive negligence of the City, its <br />officers, volunteers or employees, insofar as permitted by law. <br />(iv)The certificates of insurance, the endorsement naming the City as an <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/10/2014
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