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File Number: 14-211 <br />additional insured, and the coverage amounts must be verified by the Finance <br />Department before the issuance of a Mobile Food Vending Permit . <br />(6)Any supplementary information requested by the City Manager or his designee as <br />reasonably necessary to determine whether to approve or deny the Mobile Food <br />Vending Permit application . <br />(7)Mobile food vendors and mobile ice cream vendors shall pay the prescribed Mobile <br />Food Vending Permit fee approved by the City Council . <br />4-34-300 Operational Standards for Private, Public Property and Right of Way <br />(a)Each mobile food vending unit shall display a current business license and Alameda <br />County Health Department permit in plain view of customers and any licensing agencies. <br />(b)Each mobile food vending unit shall maintain a valid Alameda County Health Department <br />permit at all times. If the health permit expires, or is suspended or revoked, then all food sales <br />shall cease until the health permit is reinstated. <br />(c)Mobile food vending units shall meet all state and federal requirements, including any <br />related to licensing and registration. <br />(d)Mobile food vending units shall be entirely self-sufficient in regards to gas , electricity, <br />water, and telecommunications, unless exceptions are granted pursuant to appropriate <br />permits approved by City departments, including but not limited to, the Building and Safety <br />Services Division and the Fire Department. <br />(e)Mobile food vending units shall be maintained in movable condition at all times. <br />(f)Mobile food vendors shall comply with the following: <br />(1)Have at least one clearly designated waste container within two (2) feet of the <br />mobile vending unit while also maintaining a minimum four (4) foot clearance on <br />sidewalks for pedestrian accessibility. <br />(2)No mobile food vendor shall throw, deposit, discharge, leave or permit to be thrown, <br />deposited, discharged, or left, any fat, oil, grease, refuse, garbage, or other discarded <br />or abandoned objects, articles, and accumulations, in or upon any street, alley, <br />sidewalk, gutter, storm drain, inlet, catch basin, conduit or other drainage structure, or <br />upon any public or private lot or land in the City. Mobile food vendors shall not dispose <br />or allow the disposal of any generated waste, without written approval, in any public or <br />private waste container other than the waste container under the control of the mobile <br />food vendor. <br />(g)No part of the vehicle, furniture, or other equipment related to the vending operation may <br />encroach onto the public sidewalk. Mobile food vendors are responsible for managing <br />customer queuing, and ensuring pedestrian accessibility is maintained. <br />(h)Mobile food vendors shall not engage in alcohol sales or service unless permitted by the <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/10/2014