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Bingo Parlors. A business or non-profit establishment where bingo is played. Bingo <br />means a game of chance in which prizes are awarded on the basis of designated num- <br />bers or symbols on a card that conforms to numbers or symbols selected at random. <br /> <br />Blockface. The properties abutting on one (1) side of a street and lying between the <br />two (2) nearest intersecting or intercepting streets, or nearest intersecting or intercept- <br />ing street and railroad right-of-way, un-subdivided land, watercourse, city boundary, or <br />other similar substantial boundary. Please refer to the Blockface illustration below. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />BLOCKFACE <br />(This diagram is illustrative) <br /> <br />Boarding House. A building with not more than four (4) guest rooms where lodging and <br />meals are provided for not more than ten (10) persons, but shall not include rest homes <br />or convalescent homes. Guest rooms numbering five (5) or over shall be considered a <br />hotel. This definition includes rooming houses and lodging houses. <br /> <br />Brewpub. A small brewery attached to a restaurant and producing beer that is <br />sold for consumption at a bona fide eating place, plus a limited amount of brew- <br />ing of beer for consumption on the premises. Additionally, the sale of beer for <br />consumption off the premises where sold is also allowed. <br />Building. Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occu- <br />pancy. <br /> <br />Building, Accessory. A building which is subordinate to, and the use of which is inci- <br />dental to and related to that of the main building or use on the same lot. <br /> <br />Building Materials and Services. Retailing, wholesaling, or rental of building supplies <br />or equipment. This classification includes lumber yards, tool and equipment sales or <br />rental establishments, and building contractors’ yards, but excludes establishments de- <br />voted exclusively to retail sales of paint, hardware, wall coverings, furniture, decora- <br />tions, electronics, appliances, and home improvement sales, and activities classified <br />under Vehicle/Equipment Repair and Sales classifications, including vehicle towing ser- <br />vices. <br /> <br />Business and Trade Schools. Schools providing specialized instructional services in <br />the business and trade fields, including university and college extension programs. <br /> <br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amended Article 3 Page 9 <br />Note: underline and bolded text represents new text; strike-through text represents text to be eliminated