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File Number: 14-315 <br />The current Civic Center security camera system was installed in 1994 with two cameras in <br />City Hall and one at the Police Department. Later, three additional cameras were added inside <br />City Hall. The video quality is very low and the system lacks the capability to record and store <br />video. <br />Beginning in 2012, staff analyzed replacing the existing system and expanding it to include <br />several cameras, including some within public spaces to enhance public safety in a manner <br />consistent with legal privacy rights. At that time staff found and determined that Odin Systems <br />was the best-in-class provider for such a system. <br />Odin has developed highly specialized knowledge in building, designing, and implementing <br />security camera systems for both indoor and outdoor public spaces and buildings. Odin <br />Systems is used extensively throughout the region by other municipalities. Most importantly, <br />Odin Systems integrates with existing information technology infrastructure already used by <br />the City and the Police Department. The contract and scope of work also envisions the City <br />piloting and testing other Odin Systems products and solutions to determine their suitability <br />and fitness for future use within the City’s existing, and scaling information technology <br />infrastructure. For these reasons, the City Manager, through his designee the Information <br />Technology Manager, found that Odin Systems is a sole-source provider. <br />Previous City Council Actions <br />·On May 5, 2014, the City Council heard comments from the Police Department regarding <br />the Community Cameras Policy and provided direction for further analyses. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The City Attorney has approved as to form the Consulting Services Agreement with Odin <br />Systems and the Community Camera Policy. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The Civic Center (comprised of City Hall, the Police Department, and the City Jail) will be <br />done in Phase 1 and will cost $156,705.21. Phase 2 will include community cameras in two <br />locations and additional funding will be requested for it at a future date. <br />It is recommended that the cost of $156,705.21 be funded from the IT fund balance for the <br />current Civic Center Project (Phase 1). <br />Budget Authority <br />The Finance Director has determined there are sufficient funds in the IT Fund Balance for the <br />$156,705.21 appropriation to account 688-01-121-7410. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Attachment to Staff Report <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/15/2014