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File Number: 14-361 <br />or the Chair shall be notified before the meeting. <br />§24.1.410:ADDRESSING COMMISSION. Each person addressing the Commission shall <br />give one’s name in an audible tone of voice for the records. If the person is appearing in a <br />representative or professional capacity such as an attorney, engineer, etc., the person shall <br />state the name of the individual or organization being represented. Unless additional time is <br />granted by the Chair, all remarks shall be limited to five (5) minutes. All remarks shall be <br />addressed to the Commission as a body and not to any individual member thereof. No <br />person, other than members of the Commission and the person having the floor shall be <br />permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of the Commission, <br />except through the Chair. <br />ARTICLE 5 - VOTING <br />§24.1.500:MANNER OF TAKING VOTE. The vote shall be taken by show of hands, voice <br />vote, roll call, or electronic voting. <br />§24.1.505:MAJORITY VOTE. All Commission actions shall require the affirmative votes of <br />a majority of the members of the Commission. <br />ARTICLE 6 - COMMITTEES <br />§24.1.600:REFERRAL. Upon the introduction of any new matter for consideration by the <br />Commission, the Chair may refer the same to a committee of the Commission, appointed by <br />the Chair to study such item of business and recommend to the Commission. The application <br />of this section shall be at the sole discretion of the Chair, and shall be used by the Chair to <br />provide a more even flow of business appearing before the Commission. <br />§24.1.605:APPOINTMENT. Committees shall consist of no less than two (2) and no more <br />than four (4) Commissioners. The Chair of the Commission may serve in an ex-officio <br />capacity on all committees. <br />§24.1.610:MEETINGS. Committees shall be empowered to meet with organizations or <br />individuals as necessary in order to properly prepare their reports. <br />§24.1.615:BUSINESS. Committees shall, in meeting with other organizations or <br />individuals, limit themselves to gathering pertinent facts and explaining previously adopted <br />policies of the Commission. They shall not make any commitments on behalf of the <br />Commission; promise any action on the part of the Commission; initiate or organize any group <br />or urge specific action by an organized group or individual, unless specifically empowered to <br />do so at the time of appointment; take any action which would in any way compromise the <br />position of the Commission or place the Commission in an embarrassing position before the <br />public. <br />ARTICLE 7 - RELATIONS WITH PRESS, THE GENERAL PUBLIC, THE CITY COUNCIL <br />AND OTHER BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />§24.1.700:INFORMATION THROUGH CHAIR. All information on action by the <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 8/26/2014