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ARTICLE 1. PURPOSE. <br />Section 3-14-100. Purpose. <br />The purpose of this Chapter is to: <br />(a) Provide for and regulate the disposal of sanitary sewage and industrial <br />wastes into the City sanitary sewer system in such manner and to such extent as is <br />reasonably necessary to maintain and increase the ability of such system to handle and <br />dispose of sanitary sewage and sa+4 industrial wastes; <br />(b) Improve opportunities to recycle and reclaim treated effluent and <br />wastewater sludge; <br />(c) Protect the physical structures of the said sewer system and the efficient <br />functioning of its component parts; <br />(d) Protect the City and its personnel, and preserve and protect the health, <br />safety and comfort of the public; <br />(e) Comply with all applicable and compatible laws, rules, regulations and <br />orders of the State of California and the United States. <br />ARTICLE 2. DEFINITIONS <br />Section 3-14-200. Definitions. <br />Words, phrases or terms not specifically defined herein, and having a technical <br />or specialized meaning shall be defined as set forth in 40 CFR Parts 136, 401, and 403. <br />In addition, terms defined herein shall have the same meaning as those terms <br />are defined by the Porter Cologne Water Quality Act and the Federal Water Pollution <br />Control Act as amended in 1972. <br />Unless the context indicates otherwise, the following words and terms all have <br />the meaning defined herein. <br />{a)—Act or "The Act" shall mean the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also <br />known as the Clean Water Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251, et seq. See Federal Act. <br />(b) Approval Authority. Approval Authority shall mean United States <br />Environmental Protection Agency or its authorized designee. See EPA. <br />(G) Authorized Representative of Industrial User. Authorized Representative <br />of Industrial User shall mean one of the following: <br />