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ATTACHMENT A <br />Scope of Work <br />Bay Fair BART Transit Village TOD Specific Plan <br />RECIPIENT, with professional consulting assistance ("CONSULTANT"), shall complete the following: <br />Task 1: Priority Development Area (PDA) Profile <br />The consultant team, in coordination with City staff, will define the precise study area for the Specific <br />Plan and will prepare a Priority Development Area (PDA), or TOD area, Profile report. This report <br />provides an overview of the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the planning area, <br />transit/travel patterns and use, physical aspects of the planning area, as well as any known issues that <br />will need to be considered or addressed during the planning process. The draft PDA Profile Report will <br />be presented to the CAC for review and comments. The information contained in this report should be <br />referenced throughout the planning process in the development of subsequent planning elements. Data <br />sources shall include the US Census as well as other planning efforts. The PDA Profile Report shall <br />include the following information: <br />• Inventory of the physical context, including: existing land uses, urban form, parking supply, <br />traffic conditions, transit service and patronage, infrastructure conditions, social services, jobs, <br />neighborhood amenities/retail, activity nodes, public facilities (including parks, <br />schools/playgrounds), housing opportunity sites (as identified in the Housing Element Update), <br />natural hazard risks, air quality and environmental conditions (e.g., Bay Area Air Quality <br />Management District data) and any other relevant inventory items. <br />• Summary of demographics, including: population, age, ethnicity, language, place of birth and <br />residence, disability, households, employment (number of jobs by wage/salary and occupation), <br />income and poverty status, household tenure and costs, place of work, travel mode to work, <br />vehicle availability, project housing need at various income levels (per regional housing needs <br />allocation or RHNA) and travel time to work. <br />• Issues or concerns that will need to be addressed during the planning process. This includes an <br />assessment of current City, County, and BART policies and other governmental and physical <br />factors that will influence the feasibility of transit -oriented development, the status of proposed <br />or planned Bay Fair area capital improvement projects, and applicable BART and AC Transit <br />plans/policies, including BART extension to Silicon Valley. <br />• Key opportunity sites for future transit -oriented development will be identified, and the <br />consultant will gather pertinent data about these properties. <br />• Context for the relationship between the planning area and the surrounding area should be <br />provided, including identifying opportunities for positive benefit to the surrounding <br />unincorporated neighborhoods, Alameda County East 14th Street PDA project area, and County <br />property within the planning area (i.e., southwest BART parking lot). <br />• Supporting base and overlay maps and other data as needed shall be included in the report. <br />This initial community meeting will serve to formally start the public planning process, provide a <br />general overview to the community on the purpose, timeline and solicit desired outcomes, goals, and <br />objectives for the Specific Plan. <br />Deliverable #la: Community Meeting (kick-off meeting) — Agenda/Meeting Material (Memos, <br />Powerpoint presentations, printed graphics or information for the public), and Summary of Feedback <br />ATTACHMENT A <br />Page 1 of 8 <br />