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Deliverable #1b: PDA Profile Report <br />Task 2: Community Involvement Strategy <br />A collaborative planning process with residents, businesses, property owners, relevant public agencies, <br />community groups, neighborhood associations, nonprofits, faith -based organizations are essential to an <br />effective and implementable Specific Plan. Special attention should be paid to involve community <br />groups and minority, low income, youth, renter and non-English speaking populations within or near the <br />planning area. The Community Involvement Plan should include: <br />• Creation of a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). The consultant shall advise City staff on <br />creating a CAC including the make-up of and the process for selecting a broad -ranging group of <br />local stakeholders to serve on the CAC. City staff will take the lead in establishing and <br />coordinating the CAC. <br />• Creation of a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The consultant shall advise City staff to <br />determine which relevant public agencies or stakeholders shall serve on the TAC. City staff <br />shall take the lead in establishing and coordinating the TAC. <br />• Identify target groups to engage, including residents (renters and homeowners), property owners, <br />businesses, developers (nonprofit and for profit), neighborhood associations, community and <br />faith based organizations, seniors, youth, and non-English speaking populations. <br />• Identify strategies to partner with and engage local community stakeholders and organizations. <br />This includes an identification of meeting formats such as town hall meetings, focus groups, <br />workshops, open houses, or interviews which the consultant intends to use. Also, this section <br />shall include a description of the types of outreach that will be used such as the Internet/websites, <br />social media, fact sheets, posters, maps, surveys, photo -simulations, visual massing studies, local <br />media contacts, etc. A website for the Specific Plan is mandatory and will be designed and <br />maintained by the consultant. <br />• Strategies specific to engaging low-income and minority communities. <br />• Schedule of public meetings, TAC/CAC meetings, and other public events and implementation <br />of any other outreach and engagement strategies. <br />The consultant will present the PDA Profile Report and Community Involvement Strategy at the kick- <br />off meetings for the TAC and CAC. <br />Deliverable #2a: Community Involvement Strategy/Plan <br />Deliverable #2b: TAC Meeting (kick-off meeting) — Agenda/Meeting Material, and Minutes <br />Deliverable #2c: CAG Meeting (kick-off meeting) — Agenda/Meeting Material, and Minutes <br />Task 3: Market Demand Analysis <br />The consultant will prepare a preliminary report on the potential market demand for transit -oriented <br />development in the study area with consideration of the benefits and constraints of Bayfair Center, <br />BART, and AC Transit. The market analysis will examine all forms of potential development, including <br />ownership and rental housing in a range of pricing, office, retail and mixed-use development. This <br />analysis will include a feasibility assessment of providing affordable (e.g., very low, low and moderate <br />income) and market rate housing to various household sizes, which may help inform the preparation of <br />Task and result in cost savings for Task 5 ("Affordable Housing and Anti -Displacement Strategy). The <br />market analysis will consider the financial feasibility of each development type based on current and <br />projected land and development costs, potential lease rates and sale prices, current City development <br />standards and fees, compatibility with surrounding uses, and other pertinent factors. Housing and <br />ATTACHMENT A <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />