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File Number: 15-001 <br />presumption was that most of the policies and actions in the existing Element were still valid, <br />but required updating to meet the new RHNA, respond to new State laws, and address <br />current housing market issues and conditions. <br />A project website was launched in April 2014. The website provided information on the <br />project, including draft documents, and a link where web users could provide feedback on <br />policy questions and housing issues. Planning Commission study sessions on the Housing <br />Element were convened on May 8 and July 10, 2014 and a City Council study session was <br />convened on June 16, 2014. In addition, the City convened a roundtable of housing <br />advocates, developers, and service providers on July 1, 2014. The City convened a <br />community meeting on housing on July 30, 2014. About 75 people attended, and the <br />feedback and discussion were informative. <br />Data collection and analysis for the new Housing Element took place in May, June, and July. <br />Policies and actions were developed in August. This enabled the production of a complete <br />"Working Draft" in early September. The Planning Commission convened a public hearing on <br />that Draft on September 11, 2014. Other City Commissions, including the Human Services <br />Commission, the Board of Zoning Adjustments, and the Rent Review Board, also convened <br />meetings on the Housing Element. A number of neighborhood meetings also were convened. <br />Staff also created a Housing Element exhibit for the San Leandro Cherry Festival. <br />On October 6, 2014, the City Council convened a public hearing on the Working Draft <br />Housing Element. At the conclusion of the hearing, the City Council unanimously approved a <br />motion to forward the Working Draft to the State for preliminary review and comment. That <br />submittal took place on October 9, 2014. On October 23, the City received a phone call from <br />HCD indicating it had completed its review of the document and would communicate initial <br />comments to the City via conference call. That call took place on October 28. HCD's <br />comments were relatively minor and administrative in nature. <br />During the first week of November, staff and the consultant prepared an Addendum which <br />responded to HCD comments. The Addendum (see Attachment 3) was submitted to the <br />State on November 7. On November 18, HCD indicated it had reviewed the Addendum, and <br />requested additional clarification on one item. A revised Addendum was submitted on <br />November 19. On November 21, HCD issued its decision letter (see Attachment 4), indicating <br />the Housing Element met all Government Code requirements, and that the City would be <br />found in compliance if it adopted the Element as proposed. <br />During the HCD review process, the consultant team prepared a CEQA Initial Study and <br />issued a Notice of Intent to adopt a Negative Declaration. The review period for the IS/ND <br />started on November 17, 2014 and concluded on December 17, 2014. <br />On December 18, 2014, the Planning Commission approved resolutions 2014-07 (attached as <br />Exhibit C to the City Council resolution adopting the Negative Declaration) and 2014-08 <br />(attached as Exhibit B to the City Council resolution approving the 2015-2023 Housing <br />Element Update) recommending City Council adoption of the Initial Study/Negative <br />Declaration and the 2015-2023 Housing Element, respectively. Once the Council adopts the <br />Housing Element, it will be resubmitted to the State for a formal compliance decision. A <br />finding of compliance is important to ensure the legal adequacy of the City's General Plan. It <br />also improves the City's eligibility for a variety of grants and external funding sources. <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 1113/2015 <br />