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File Number: 15-001 <br />o Deleting action in 2010 Element to allow SROs in more zones <br />o Adding regulations for "micro" units <br />o Adding study of zoning amendments for lot splits and additional homes on existing lots <br />o Adding information on new State affordable housing funding sources <br />o Encouraging short-term (Airbnb type) rentals in which an individual room in a home is <br />rented (to supplement income) <br />o Adding a program to assess the vulnerability of soft -story apartments and looking at <br />ways to mitigate soft -story hazards <br />o Adding a program to monitor the balance between "market rate" and "affordable" <br />housing production in the city <br />Changes Recommended by the State Department of Housing and Community <br />Development <br />Attachment 2 summarizes the comments that were verbally communicated by HCD on <br />October 28, and the way in which the document was edited to respond to the comments. <br />Attachment 3 displays the Addendum that indicates the specific text changes made in <br />response to each HCD comment. These changes have been incorporated into the Adoption <br />Draft Housing Element that the Planning Commission reviewed and approved on December <br />18, 2014, and which City Council is reviewing tonight. <br />Previous Actions <br />• On March 3, 2014, the City Council approved a contractual services agreement (CSA) with <br />Planning Center I DC&E (now PlaceWorks) to prepare the General Plan Update, Housing <br />Element Update and related environmental impact report (EIR) required under the <br />California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). <br />• The San Leandro Planning Commission convened three study sessions (March 6, May 8, <br />July 10) and two public hearings on the General Plan Update (September 11 and <br />December 18). At the December 18 hearing, the Planning Commission passed two <br />resolutions recommending Council approval of the Housing Element and related Initial <br />Study/Negative Declaration. <br />• The Rent Review Board, Board of Zoning Adjustments, and Human Services Commission <br />all convened study sessions on the Housing Element. <br />• The Council convened a study session on the Housing Element on June 16, 2014 and a <br />public hearing on the Housing Element on October 6, 2014. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies/General Plan Conformance <br />The Housing Element is part of the San Leandro General Plan. Once adopted, the <br />2015-2023 Element will supersede the existing Element, which was adopted in 2010. The <br />Housing Element is fully consistent with the other Elements of the San Leandro General Plan, <br />and its goals, policies, and programs reinforce and support the goals, policies, and programs <br />relating to land use, transportation, open space, conservation, safety, and other topics. The <br />Housing Opportunity sites in the Housing Element have been selected in part on their General <br />Plan designations. <br />Following adoption of the Housing Element, the City will proceed with an update of the other <br />General Plan elements. In the event that new land use policies or map designations result <br />from that process, the City will revise the Housing Element to reflect such modifications. <br />City of San Leandro Page 5 Printed on 1113/2015 <br />