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File Number: 14-577 <br />CEQA requires that the EIR identify an "environmentally superior" alternative that would be <br />expected to generate the least amount of significant impacts. CEQA also requires that if the <br />No Project Alternative is selected as the environmentally superior alternative, the EIR must <br />identify the environmentally superior alternative among the remaining alternatives. The Draft <br />EIR identified the Reduced Density/Intensity Alternative as the environmentally superior <br />alternative after the No Project Alternative. It is further noted that the No Project Alternative <br />would not meet the stated objectives of the project, which are to provide an economically <br />viable and vibrant mixed-use development. <br />The following alternatives were considered infeasible and therefore were not further analyzed <br />as alternatives in the EIR: <br />• Off -Site Alternative. Under the Off -Site Alternative, the Project would be constructed at <br />an off-site location. Due to the nature of the Project, which consists of redeveloping a <br />previously developed shoreline, which is currently underutilized, this alternative would <br />not provide the same opportunity for new development. <br />• Hotel Removal Alternative. Under the Hotel Removal Alternative, the Project would not <br />include construction of a new 200 -room hotel. This alternative was considered given <br />the number of hotels in the area of Oakland Airport, but as determined in the urban <br />decay analysis (included in Appendix B), the inclusion of the hotel would not result in <br />urban decay. As a result, removal of the hotel would not reduce a potentially significant <br />impact. Additionally, this alternative does not meet the objectives of the Project. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />The San Leandro Shoreline Development Project Draft Environmental Impact Report was <br />released on December 9, 2014 and will be available for a 60 -day public review period through <br />February 6, 2015. Additional opportunities to provide public comment have been made at the <br />following public meetings: <br />• Shoreline Advisory Committee meeting, January 14, 2015 <br />• Planning Commission public hearing, January 15, 2015 <br />Legal Analysis <br />The City Attorney's Office has reviewed and commented upon the San Leandro Shoreline <br />Development Project Draft Environmental Impact Report. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS <br />Staff recommends that the City Council take public testimony on the San Leandro Shoreline <br />Draft EIR and provide comments to staff on the Draft EIR. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Draft San Leandro Shoreline Development Project EIR by Chapter: <br />• Table of Contents <br />• 1 - Executive Summary <br />• 2 - Introduction <br />City of San Leandro Page 7 Printed on 1120/2015 <br />