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Memorandum of Understanding — East Bay Corridor Initiative Page 2 <br />Compared to the region as a whole, residents of Corridor PDAs have lower household incomes; <br />suffer more from poor air quality and other adverse environmental impacts; are at a higher risk <br />during natural disasters; and are subject to displacement risk from rising housing costs. Many <br />Corridor PDAs face obstacles to realizing the development envisioned in adopted plans. These <br />range from limited local resources to build infrastructure and public spaces to a lack of funding <br />for affordable housing and difficulties attracting private investment. At the same time, the <br />Corridor PDAs are located in close proximity to jobs and institutions of higher education. <br />Further, numerous economic clusters appear to be growing in, or near the Corridor PDAs. Given <br />this opportunity, the potential positive impact of a complementary approach to planning and <br />investment is substantial, and can potentially provide a model for other Bay Area sub -regions <br />with similar challenges. <br />Between 2000 and 2014, Alameda, Albany, Berkeley, El Cerrito, Emeryville, Hayward, <br />Hercules, Oakland, Pinole, Richmond, San Leandro, San Pablo, Union City, Alameda County <br />and Contra Costa (Corridor Jurisdictions) have adopted 25 land use plans for Priority <br />Development Areas (PDAs), a locally -driven land use planning program of ABAG for <br />sustainable development. All of these PDAs are located within the geography of East Bay <br />Corridor (see Attachment 1). <br />In September 2013, the East Bay Corridors Initiative was presented to ABAG's Executive Board <br />as a top implementation strategy for realizing Plan Bay Area. Between September and November <br />2013, staff from Participants, ABAG, and other public agencies met to identify obstacles to <br />achieving the level and quality of growth planned for PDAs in these jurisdictions. To develop <br />strategies, the group divided the East Bay Corridor into two segments: the Oakland -Union City <br />Corridor and the San Pablo Corridor (see Attachment 1). The Oakland -Union City Corridor <br />includes Oakland, San Leandro, Hayward, and Union City, as well as the Alameda County. The <br />San Pablo Corridor includes Oakland, Emeryville, Berkeley, Albany, El Cerrito, Richmond, San <br />Pablo, Pinole, Hercules and Contra Costa. <br />During 2014, staff from Participant jurisdictions, ABAG and other public agencies held <br />workshops to identify a preliminary set of inter jurisdictional strategies for implementing local <br />PDAs and regional planning objectives for each segment of the corridor. In 2015, Participants, <br />ABAG and other public agencies will engage in working groups to solidify these strategies. This <br />will set the stage for engagement with city leadership, development of partnerships with the non- <br />profit and business communities, and obtaining funding to carry out the strategies. <br />C. Proposed Activities. The Participants will undertake the following activities. <br />I . Continue to coordinate with Planning and Community Development Directors the <br />development of multi jurisdictional strategies to create a network of thriving <br />neighborhoods and downtowns in Corridor PDAs. This coordination can include all <br />Participants or subgroups, including but not limited to the subgroups that comprise the <br />Oakland -Union City Corridor and the San Pablo Corridor. <br />2. Identify and develop funding sources to implement agreed upon strategies. <br />3. Endorse joint applications by Participants for grants and other funding that support <br />agreed upon multi jurisdictional strategies. <br />