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,-SAN J p CITY OF SAN LEANDRO - PERSONNEL RELATIONS BOARD MINUTES <br />/ 0� Regular Meeting <br />O Thursday, January 15, 2015 <br />City Hall, Human Resources Conference Room <br />ti Second Floor, 835 East 14th Street, San Leandro, California <br />yrbRPORA'S19 `�5 <br />I. CALL TO ORDER: Member James Browne called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m. <br />II. ROLL CALL: LaTanya Bellow, Human Resources Manager and Executive Secretary, called the <br />roll. <br />III. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Louis Heystek, Vice -Chair Pete Ballew, Member <br />James Browne, Member Johanne Dictor, and Member O.B. Badger. <br />IV. MINUTES: The minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 16, 2014. <br />a. M I S I P (Browne/Badger) to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 16, <br />2014. Vice Chair Ballew abstained as he was absent from that meeting. <br />V. ADOPTION/REVISION OF CLASSIFICATIONS: Four new classifications have been presented <br />for review and adoption. Debbie Pollart, the Public Works Director and Captain Torres were on hand to <br />answer any questions brought forth. <br />Secretary Bellow outlined the Police Business Manager classification, which is a non -sworn <br />administrative/operations support classification and a member of the San Leandro Management <br />Organization. The funding for this position has been included in the 2014/15 budget, utilizing a vacant <br />Administrative Analyst II position. Vice -Chair Ballew asked if there is an equivalent classification in <br />neighboring agencies and if this could be a part-time work from home opportunity. Secretary Bellow <br />affirmed that Fremont, Livermore and Berkeley have similar mid-level positions and Capt. Torres <br />responded that the work from home option had not been looked at because office space was already <br />available. Member Browne asked which classifications were performing these duties now. Capt. Torres <br />mentioned that he and several other people are currently doing portions of this job. Member Dictor <br />noted that this position will require a strong financial background and wondered if this was a <br />promotional opportunity or open to anyone. Capt. Torres said the position will be open to anyone to <br />apply. <br />Chair Heystek noted that in all the job specifications, under Experience and Education, language <br />indicates that "any combination of experience and education that would likely provide the required <br />knowledge and abilities is qualifying." He asked is that an attempt to broaden the pool? What is the <br />intent? Secretary Bellow stated that the current language is an industry standard and provides the <br />applicant with an idea of the combination of experience and education as a baseline to be eligible. <br />Heystek expressed concern that these are just minimums. Bellow explained that a combination of <br />experience and education would also depend on the needs of the department. She referred Chair <br />Heystek to the Personnel Rules which states, "The statement of desirable qualifications in a class <br />specification is intended to be used as a guide in selecting candidates for employment, as an aid in the <br />preparation of competitive examinations and for use in determining the relative value of positions in one <br />class with positions in other classes." Chair Heystek conceded he was comfortable with the rule as <br />outlined and now understood the experience and education is a guide. <br />M I S I P (Badger/Ballew) 5-0 to adopt the Police Business Manager classification as presented. <br />The next 3 new and 3 revised classifications are the result of the current SLCEA MOU Section 42.12 <br />Equity Studies. During negotiations the City agreed to conduct a compensation study of classifications <br />within the Water Pollution Control Plant. During this study, it was determined that the Street <br />Maintenance Worker Classifications did not properly address the unique nature of the work done at the <br />Plant and it was determined that a title change was in order. Collection Systems Maintenance Worker <br />I/1I, Senior Collection Systems Maintenance Worker and Collection Systems Maintenance Supervisor <br />G:\PRB\Minutes\2015\1.15.15 Meeting Minutes.docx <br />