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8M Consent 2015 0217
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Packet 2015 0217
8M Consent 2015 0217
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classifications are specific to the Plant, and these new job specifications were created using descriptions <br />from City of Hayward, City of Livermore, Union Sanitary and Oro Loma Sanitary Districts. <br />The Street Maintenance Worker specification revisions are merely removing the wording that pertains <br />specifically to the duties related to sewer maintenance, storm collects or water pollution which are <br />included in the new specifications above. <br />Member Browne noted that the Collection Systems Maintenance Worker and Senior Collection Systems <br />Maintenance Worker classifications have a provision for random drug testing. That seems to be left out <br />of the Collection Systems Maintenance Supervisor, is this an oversight? Director Pollart said yes, this is <br />an oversight in the specification and should be included as they are required to maintain a Class B <br />license as well, so will be subject to random drug testing. <br />Chair Heystek further asked if the WPCP would be staying in San Leandro or would it become a special <br />district. Director Pollart said she would hope it will stay with the multi-million dollar upgrade recently <br />completed. She is not aware of any plans to become a special district. Member Ballew asked if these <br />reclassifications will help with retention. Analyst Hung said that and bringing salaries up to be <br />competitive with neighboring agencies was intended to help attract and retain personnel. <br />M I S I P (Badger/Browne) 5-0 to adopt the 3 new and 3 revised classifications as presented <br />VI. EMPLOYMENT LISTS: No extensions were requested. <br />VII. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER'S REPORT: HR Manager Bellow provided an overview of <br />the recruitment activities completed and/or in progress. She also noted some of the activities the <br />department has engaged in during the past three months, such as implementing an online open <br />enrollment process, completing the Ca1PERS audit and the equity study. Chair Heystek and other <br />members commented on the number of years of experience that just retired from the City. HR <br />Manager Bellow noted that there will be several top level recruitments forthcoming. Chair Heystek <br />asked how we handle the flood of applications. HR Analyst Emily Hung said that if a flood of <br />applications are anticipated, we will often limit the length a position is open and limit the number of <br />qualified applications. <br />VIII. MEMBER COMMENTS: Member Browne noted that at the first meeting, members of the public <br />were there and spoke about job reclassifications, and wondered if they were related to these <br />presented tonight. Member Dictor and Chair Heystek said yes, they were part of the Water <br />Treatment Plant and that this appears to be an effort to rectify the requests. <br />Heystek mentioned that if any members were interested in reappointment, they should submit their <br />applications now. The Mayor will be sending out requests. Member Browne said it has been an <br />honor to serve with everyone and Chair Heystek said he hopes everyone will apply to continue <br />serving the PRB. <br />IX. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:13 p.m. in <br />honor of OB Badger. <br />Signed: <br />Chairperson Louis Heystek <br />Date: <br />G:\PRB\Minutes\2015\1.15.15 Meeting Minutes.docx <br />
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