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File Number: 15-284 <br />the project area) as well as focus groups with for-profit and non-profit developers to gain a <br />greater understanding of the residential and commercial market. <br />Schedule <br />Below is an outline of notable dates and milestones for the Specific Plan process. These are <br />subject to change. <br />• Project kick-off meetings/presentations with City staff, Planning Commission, and City <br />Council (June -September 2015) <br />• Analyze development alternatives and identify the preferred alternative (January 2016) <br />• Complete Draft Specific Plan and EIR (December 2016) <br />• Complete Final Specific Plan and EIR (March 2017) <br />• City Council Adopts Final Specific Plan and EIR (April 2017) <br />Previous Actions <br />On December 1, 2014, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute the MTC <br />Planning grant agreement and approved the MOU between the City, BART, Madison <br />Marquette, and Alameda County. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />• General Plan Policy 8.10 - Bayfair Mall: Promote the revitalization of Bayfair Mall and its <br />environs by introducing new and compatible uses, including new shops, services, <br />community facilities, restaurants, entertainment venues, and offices. <br />General Plan Policy 15.01 - Coordination with Service Providers: Work collaboratively with <br />AC Transit and BART to ensure that public transit service remains safe, reliable, and <br />affordable, and to improve service frequency and coverage within San Leandro <br />neighborhoods and employment centers. <br />Environmental Review <br />No environmental review is required for the authorization to execute the consulting services <br />agreement with Raimi + Associates. A CEQA EIR is required as part of the proposed Specific <br />Plan. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The City Attorney's Office reviewed and approved the staff report and CSA, as to form. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The contract is for an amount not to exceed $500,000. The sources of funding for the <br />$500,000 CSA with Raimi + Associates are described below in "Budget Authority" section. <br />Budget Authority <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 Printed on 511212015 <br />