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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 2015-098 <br /> RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH <br /> RAIMI +ASSOCIATES TO PREPARE THE BAY FAIR TRANSIT VILLAGE <br /> TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT SPECIFIC PLAN AND <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO <br /> EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT IN A FORM APPROVED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY, <br /> IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $500,000 ($440,000 FROM MTC PLANNING <br /> GRANT, $15,000 FROM BART, $15,000 FROM MADISON MARQUETTE, AND <br /> $30,000 FROM THE CITY APPROVED ON DECEMBER 1, 2014) <br /> WHEREAS, in May 2014,the Metropolitan Transportation Commission("MTC") <br /> awarded the City of San Leandro (the "City") an MTC Priority Development Area("PDA") <br /> Planning Grant ("PDA Grant") in the amount of$440,000 to prepare the Bay Fair Transit Village <br /> Transit-Oriented Development ("TOD") Specific Plan("Specific Plan") and Environmental <br /> Impact Report(EIR); and <br /> WHEREAS, MTC awarded the City the PDA Grant with the understanding that the City <br /> would contribute $30,000, and the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District("BART") and <br /> Madison Marquette ("MM") would each contribute $15,000 in matching funds for a total <br /> matching amount of$60,000; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City requires professional services of a qualified consultant to <br /> coordinate the community planning process, undertake outreach, and prepare the Bay Fair <br /> Transit Village TOD Specific Plan and the CEQA Environmental Impact Report("Project"); and <br /> WHEREAS, City staff solicited qualifications for consulting services and evaluated and <br /> reviewed responses and proposals from several consulting firms or consultants; and <br /> WHEREAS, in accordance with the California Government Code and other applicable <br /> laws, City staff carefully reviewed the qualifications and proposal of Raimi +Associates and <br /> determined that Raimi +Associates possesses the necessary quality, fitness, capacity, experience <br /> and expertise to provide the services sought by the City; and <br /> WHEREAS, City staff negotiated an acceptable and fair price for the consultant's <br /> services; and <br /> WHEREAS, an agreement between the City and Raimi+Associates, a copy of which is <br /> attached, has been presented to the City Council; and <br /> WHEREAS,the City Council is familiar with the contents thereof; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends approval of said agreement. <br />