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1. Executive Summary <br />This chapter presents an overview of the proposed San Leandro Shoreline Development Project, herein <br />referred to as “Project.” This executive summary also provides a summary of the alternatives to the <br />Project, identifies issues to be resolved, areas of controversy, and conclusions of the analysis contained in <br />Chapters 4.0 through 4.14 of this Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR). For a complete <br />description of the Project, see Chapter 3, Project Description. For a discussion of alternatives to the <br />Project, see Chapter 6, Alternatives to the Project. <br />This Draft EIR addresses the environmental effects associated with implementation of the Project. The <br />California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that local government agencies, prior to taking <br />action on projects over which they have discretionary approval authority, consider the environmental <br />consequences of such projects. An Environmental Impact Report is a public document designed to provide <br />the public, local, and State governmental agency decision-makers with an analysis of potential <br />environmental consequences to support informed decision-making. <br />This Draft EIR has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of CEQA (California Public Resources Code, <br />Division 13, Section 21000, et seq.) and the State CEQA Guidelines (Title 14 of the California Code of <br />Regulations, Division 6, Chapter 3, Section 15000, et seq.) in order to determine if approval of the <br />identified discretionary actions and related subsequent development could have a significant impact on <br />the environment. The City of San Leandro, as the Lead Agency, has reviewed and revised as necessary all <br />submitted drafts, technical studies, and reports to reflect its own independent judgment, including <br />reliance on applicable City technical personnel and review of all technical reports. Information for this <br />Draft EIR was obtained from on-site field observations; discussions with public service agencies; analysis <br />of adopted plans and policies; review of available studies, reports, data, and similar literature in the public <br />domain; and specialized environmental assessments (e.g., air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, noise, <br />geotechnical and transportation and traffic). <br />1.1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROCEDURES <br />This Draft EIR has been prepared to assess the environmental effects associated with approval and <br />implementation of the Project. The six main objectives of this document as established by CEQA are: <br /> To disclose to decision-makers and the public the significant environmental effects of proposed <br />activities. <br /> To identify ways to avoid or reduce environmental damage. <br /> To prevent environmental damage by requiring implementation of feasible alternatives or mitigation <br />measures. <br /> To disclose to the public reasons for agency approval of projects with significant environmental <br />effects.