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TABLE 1-1 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES <br />Significant Impact <br />Significance <br />Before <br />Mitigation Mitigation Measures <br />Significance <br />With <br />Mitigation <br />AESTHETICS <br />AES-1. The Project would not have a substantial adverse <br />effect on a scenic vista. <br />LTS N/A N/A <br />AES-2. The Project would not substantially degrade the <br />view from a scenic highway, including, but not limited to, <br />trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings. <br />No Impact N/A N/A <br />AES-3. The Project would not substantially degrade the <br />existing visual character or quality of the site and its <br />surroundings. <br />LTS N/A N/A <br />AES-4. The Project would not expose people on- or off- <br />site to substantial light or glare, which would adversely <br />affect day or nighttime views in the area. <br />LTS N/A N/A <br />AES-5. The Project, in combination with past, present, and <br />reasonably foreseeable projects, would result in less than <br />significant cumulative impacts with respect to aesthetics. <br />LTS N/A N/A <br />AIR QUALITY <br />AIR-1. Implementation of the Project would not conflict <br />with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air <br />quality plan. <br />LTS N/A N/A <br />AIR-2. During construction of the Project, construction <br />activities would generate fugitive dust during ground- <br />disturbing activities that exceeds the BAAQMD <br />significance thresholds. <br />S AIR-2: Applicants for new development projects within the Shoreline <br />Development shall require their construction contractor(s) to comply <br />with the following BAAQMD Best Management Practices for <br />reducing construction emissions of PM10 and PM2.5: <br /> Water all active construction areas at least twice daily or as often <br />as needed to control dust emissions. Watering should be <br />sufficient to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. <br />Increased watering frequency may be necessary whenever wind <br />speeds exceed 15 miles per hour. Reclaimed water should be <br />used whenever possible. <br /> Pave, apply water twice daily or as often as necessary to control <br />dust, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access <br />roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites. <br /> Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose materials or <br />LTS