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File Number: 15-414 <br />encompassing the boat harbor from CR Commercial Recreation District to CC(PD) <br />Community Commercial, Planned Development Overlay District, and the proposed <br />approximately 12 acres of residential development areas in the nine -hole golf course from CR <br />Commercial Recreation District to RM-2000(PD) Residential Multi -Family, Planned <br />Development Overlay District. The area remaining for the nine -hole course will remain CR <br />Commercial Recreation District and the existing Mulford Branch Library will remain CR(PD) <br />Commercial Recreation, Planned Development Overlay District. <br />The Planning Commission and staff recommend that the City Council approve the Planning <br />Commission recommendation on the General Plan and zoning amendments and accordingly, <br />approve the following: <br />1. A Resolution amending the General Plan Land Use Map as described above; and <br />2. An Ordinance to adopt the rezoning as described above. <br />BACKGROUND <br />For details about the proposed plans, please see the staff report for the Final EIR which <br />contains a comprehensive summary of the proposed project's location, development <br />components, and its expected phasing. See Exhibit A - Conceptual Shoreline Development <br />Image. <br />The proposed amendments to the General Plan Land Use Map designate areas on the map <br />to reflect anticipated future residential development and uses reflected on the concept plan. <br />The zoning map amendments are consistent with the proposed General Plan amendments, <br />and consistent with the existing General Plan map as to the areas not subject to the General <br />Plan amendment. The two actions amending the General Plan Map and rezoning provides the <br />City and the developer the procedural groundwork to prepare the future development plans <br />with a more precise and specific planning and design scope. <br />Analysis <br />GPnPrA Plan <br />The General Plan for San Leandro presents a vision for the City's future and a strategy to <br />make that vision a reality. The General Plan already has the necessary goals, policies and <br />actions for the future development plan of the Shoreline Area. They are as follows: <br />Goal 9 Marina and Shoreline <br />Recognize and take advantage of the unique business amenities offered by the San <br />Leandro Marina area. <br />Policy 9.02 GENERAL ENHANCEMENT <br />Enhance the San Leandro Marina area as a distinguished recreational shoreline, with <br />complementary activities that boost its appeal as a destination for San Leandro <br />residents and visitors. <br />Action 9.02-A: Marina Development Opportunities <br />Pursue the development of a new hotel at the Marina, along with complementary uses <br />such as restaurants and ancillary retail, office, and conference facilities. These uses <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 7114/2015 <br />