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It is the intention of the City Council that the subject vacation not become operative unless and <br />until the sanitary sewer, storm drainage, Alvarado Street extension, utilities and other street <br />improvements are constructed and accepted by the City Engineer. <br />The San Leandro Planning Commission has found that the proposed vacations conform to the <br />requirements of the San Leandro General Plan. <br />The proposed vacation has been found to be exempt from California Environmental Quality Act <br />(CEQA) requirements in accordance with CEQA Section 15061, Subsection (b) (3). <br />The City Clerk shall cause this Resolution of Intention to be published once a week for at least <br />two (2) successive weeks to the date of public hearing stated in said resolution. Said Resolution of <br />Intention shall be posted conspicuously along the line of the street or easement proposed to be vacated at <br />least two (2) weeks before the date set for hearing. Such resolution shall be posted not more than three <br />hundred (300) feet apart, but at least three (3) shall be posted. <br />Introduced by Council Member Loeffler and passed and adopted this <br />1St day of November 199, by the following called vote: <br />Members of the Council: <br />AYES: Council Members Galvan, Glaze, Grant, Loeffler, Nardine; <br />Mayor Young ( 6 ) <br />NOES: None (0 ) <br />ABSENT: Council Member Lothrop (_ 1 ) <br />Attest: <br />Gayle Pete , City Clerk <br />