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File Number: 15-445 <br />from CR Commercial Recreation to CC(PD) Community Commercial, Planned Development <br />Overlay; 3) site plan review, tentative map, development plan and design guidelines; and 4) <br />development agreement. The Project is being processed in two stages. The first processing <br />stage will consider the General Plan amendment and rezoning applications; the second <br />processing stage will consider the development permits at future hearings, including but not <br />limited to site plan review, tentative map, and PD development plan. The development <br />described above and related applications are collectively known as the "Project"; and <br />WHEREAS, the Project site is approximately 75 acres, generally located along both sides <br />of Monarch Bay Drive between Marina Boulevard and Fairway Drive. The site includes <br />Mulford Point to the north and Pescador Point to the south and the boat harbor, businesses, <br />various structures and parking lot between; portions of the existing 9-hole Marina Golf Course; <br />and the existing Mulford-Marina Branch public library; and <br />WHEREAS, the General Plan Land Use Diagram currently designates the Project site <br />west of Monarch Bay Drive as Commercial General (CG) and the Project site East of Monarch <br />Bay Drive as Parks and Recreation (PR). The adopted zoning map currently designates the <br />Project site as CR-Commercial Recreation; and <br />WHEREAS, consistent with the companion General Plan amendment, the Project <br />proposes to rezone approximately 12 acres of the existing golf course from CR-Commercial <br />Recreation to RS-2000 (Residential Multi-Family) with a PD-Planned Development overlay for <br />future development of single-family units and townhouses. The Project proposes no change <br />to the rest of the golf course CR zoning. The Project proposes to rezone approximately 40 <br />acres of the Project site west of Monarch Bay Drive from CR to CC-Community Commercial <br />with a PD-Planned Development overlay for future development of a mixed-use community <br />with recreational amenities. The proposed zoning is shown on Attachment 1, Shoreline <br />Development Map Proposed Zoning Map Amendments; and <br />WHEREAS, the City prepared a Draft EIR and Final EIR, collectively “EIR”, for the <br />Project, including the proposed rezoning; and <br />WHEREAS, a staff report dated June 18, 2015 and incorporated herein by reference, <br />described and analyzed the proposed rezoning for the Planning Commission; and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the <br />rezoning on June 18, 2015, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be <br />heard; and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the EIR (including comments and <br />responses) and all above-referenced reports, recommendations and testimony prior to making <br />a recommendation on the rezoning. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission <br />adopted Resolution No. 2015-01, recommending that the City Council certify the Project EIR <br />and Resolution No. 2015-02 recommending that the City Council approve the rezoning and <br />related General Plan amendment. The resolutions are dated June 18, 2015 and incorporated <br />herein by reference; and <br />WHEREAS, a staff report dated July 20, 2015 and incorporated herein by reference, <br />analyzed the EIR for the Project, including the rezoning. On July 20, 2015, the City Council <br />held a duly noticed public hearing on the EIR and following the public hearing, the City <br />Council adopted Resolution 2015-125, certifying the EIR, making required environmental <br />findings and adopting a Statement of Overriding Considerations and a Mitigation Monitoring <br />and Reporting Program, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference; and <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/21/2015