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Business Plan Summary and Budgets <br />Staffi ng <br />The HSL team will feature a synthesis of current Harborside employees with demonstrated track <br />records of outstanding performance and long-time San Leandro residents with deep connections <br />to the community. The former will provide world-class cannabis expertise, and intimate familiarity <br />with the Harborside culture of wellness and community engagement. The latter will provide an <br />understanding of the City of San Leandro and sensitivity to its concerns, and help ensure that the <br />Harborside model is effectively adapted to local conditions. HSL staff will manage and operate the <br />dispensary on a day-to-day basis, and will consult with board members and other managers. <br />Recruiting and HR oversight will be managed by Christopher Esposito, SPHR, a certified Senior <br />Professional in Human Resources with over 25 years of experience in both non-profit and for-profit <br />organizations. Initial and ongoing training will be provided by Harborside Oakland's Education <br />department and proprietary training system, which includes operational manuals, and trainer and <br />trainee handbooks, for every department and staff position. <br />All full-time staff will earn competitive living wages, with health insurance, sick leave, vacation, and a <br />401 K retirement program with company matching. Staff members are also invited to access the full <br />range of free patient services offered by HSL. <br />Recordkeeping <br />HSL will make building a cooperative and trusting relationship with the City a top priority, and views <br />meticulous recordkeeping as one of many ways to demonstrate compliance, and engender mutual <br />confidence. To this end, HSL will provide the City full access to all books, records, accounts and data <br />upon request, in less than 24 hours. 18 <br />Accurate counts of members and inventory will be updated in real time, and continuously maintained <br />with the MJ Freeway system. Those counts will be provided to the City each quarter, and will be <br />available as necessary upon request at any time.19 HSL will also keep a general ledger of cash <br />transactions, member contributions, and all other transaction S.20 <br />HSL views effective communication with patients as a key part of its business model, and will <br />proactively seek out and act on patient feedback. Our goal is to always make patients comfortable <br />providing constructive criticism directly to staff or managers, but we recognize some patients <br />will prefer to make complaints anonymously. Therefore, an anonymous suggestion box will be <br />prominently placed at the reception counter for all patients, and those who choose to identify <br />themselves will receive a direct response from management. A log of these complaints will be <br />maintained, and made available to the City upon request.21 <br />18 San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-33-500(b)(5). <br />19 San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-33-500(b)(1-3); Attorney General Guidelines Section IV.13.3.(d)(p.9). <br />20 San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-33-500(b)(4). <br />21 San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-33-500(b)(6). <br />Application to Operate a Medical Cannabis Dispensary. Harborside Health Center -San Leandro. January 15, 2015. 7 <br />