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Business Plan Summary and Budgets <br />Transportation from Oakland to San Leandro will be secure, GPS -tracked, and performed by <br />trained and fully insured employees. The General Manager (GM) or designate will record the <br />incoming inventory in MJ Freeway by creating a transfer order, then verifying and reconciling <br />the labeled package weights with the actual weight received at the time of delivery. The GM <br />will identify any discrepancies in weight or counts at this time. Upon successful receipt of new <br />inventory, the GM will record the following into the system: <br />A description of the medical cannabis acquired, including quantity, strain and batch number; <br />And the names of the employees making and receiving the delivery. <br />The GM will enter the necessary information; barcoded labels containing all requisite compliance <br />information will be printed directly from MJ Freeway and affixed to each item. The GM is <br />responsible for ensuring that each inventory item is barcoded properly before it is transferred to <br />the secure storage area. Any discrepancies are documented and reported to senior management. <br />Any member whose identification card or physician recommendation is invalid or expired, or <br />who is caught diverting cannabis for non-medical use, shall have their membership suspended or <br />terminated, and there will be no transactions with them until and unless they are in good standing. <br />EDIBLES <br />HSL will focus on cannabis edibles that emphasize a therapeutic, rather than confectionary <br />approach. These include "cannaceuticals" such as tinctures, capsules, sublingual sprays, lozenges, <br />and troches. All will be labeled with milligrams/dose, and patients will be advised how to safely <br />titrate their dosage. A staff member specially trained and certified for edible cannabis expertise <br />will be on premises all shifts, and patients will be advised to carefully titrate their dosage. <br />All edibles dispensed by HSL will meet state and local requirements, including: preparation <br />by members in good standing, 12 individual wrapping at the original point of preparation, 13 no <br />requirement for refrigeration or hot holding, 14 thorough hand washing prior to production <br />or handling, gloves required on all staff during packaging, 15 individuals with symptoms of <br />gastrointestinal illness or communicable illness prohibited from preparing or handling edibles, and <br />individuals with sores or cuts on their hands must use gloves when preparing and handling edible <br />cannabis products.16 HSL will require any member who produces edible cannabis products for <br />more than one dispensary in the City or Alameda County to become a State -certified food handler, <br />and will keep that member's valid certificate number and copy of the certificate on record .17 <br />12 San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-33-500(a)(15)(vii). <br />13 San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-33-500(a)(15)(iii). <br />14 San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-33-500(a)(15)(i). <br />15 San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-33-500(a)(15)(v). <br />16 San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-33-500(a)(15)(vi). <br />17 San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-33-500(a)(15)(viii). <br />Application to Operate a Medical Cannabis Dispensary. Harborside Health Center -San Leandro. January 15, 2015. 6 <br />