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File Number: 15-534 <br />Policy 7.04 Tech-Sector Recruitment - Attract and retain technology (“high <br />tech”) companies by improving technology infrastructure, targeting such <br />companies through marketing, supporting incubator and start-up firms, and <br />maintaining development regulations which facilitate the adaptive reuse of older <br />industrial buildings. <br />Policy 7.06 Adaptive Reuse - Encourage private reinvestment in vacant or <br />underutilized industrial and commercial real estate to adapt such property to <br />changing economic needs, including the creation of flex/office space. <br />Policy 10.01 Reuse of Older Buildings - Support the reuse of underused, vacant, or <br />obsolete industrial buildings with higher value uses that are consistent with the goals <br />and policies of the General Plan. <br />Promoting the positive image of the city as a desirable place in which to do business consists <br />in part on attracting emerging technologies. The following General Plan policy encourages <br />the enhancement of these qualities: <br />Policy 11.03 Technology/Telecommunication Recruitment - Implement programs to <br />attract businesses in economic sectors that are emerging or underrepresented in San <br />Leandro. This should include the development of infrastructure to facilitate the growth <br />of technology and telecommunication firms within the City. <br />And, the General Plan proactively addresses the special housing needs of the community, <br />including emergency shelters, supportive housing and transitional housing. The following <br />General Plan policies address these housing needs: <br />Policy 58.08 Homelessness - Continue to support programs that prevent or relieve <br />homelessness in the Bay Area. Work with local non-profits, other public agencies, and <br />community organizations to provide food, shelter, rapid re-housing and other services <br />to men, women and children who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or <br />transitioning out of homelessness. <br />Policy 58.08-C Regulation of Emergency Shelter - Maintain Zoning Code regulations <br />which allow emergency shelter as a matter of right on Industrial-Light (IL zoned parcels, <br />and as a conditional use in one more additional zoning districts. In addition, the zoning <br />code should include definitions of “supporting housing,” and “transitional housing”…. <br />The Code should also clarify that, consistent with State law, these uses are allowed in <br />all districts where housing is a permitted use. In addition, definitions should be <br />consistent with those established in SB 745…. <br />Policy 59.01 Zoning Regulations - Ensure that the development standards, <br />use restrictions, parking requirements, and other regulations contained in the <br />San Leandro Zoning Code enable the production of housing for all income <br />groups. Overly restrictive or redundant requirements should be strongly <br />discouraged. <br />Policy 60.01 Ending Housing Discrimination - Encourage and directly support <br />effective programs working toward the elimination of arbitrary housing <br />discrimination based on age, race, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family <br />status, ethnic background, medical condition, disability status, or other arbitrary <br />factors. <br />Page 8 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/15/2015