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City of San Leandro <br />14-HRPP-10372 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />EXHIBIT D <br />Department or its delegatee with any relevant information requested and shall permit the <br />Department or its delegatee access to its premises, upon reasonable notice, during normal <br />business hours for the purpose of interviewing employees and inspecting and copying such <br />books, records, accounts, and other material that may be relevant to a matter under <br />investigation for the purpose of determining compliance with the California Public Contract Code <br />Section 10115 et seq., the California Government Code Section 8546.7 and Title 2, California <br />Code of Regulations, Section 1896.60 et seq. Contractor further agrees to maintain such <br />records for a period of three (3) years after final payment under this Agreement. Contractor <br />shall comply with the caveats and be aware of the penalties for violations of fraud and for <br />obstruction of investigation as set forth in the California Public Contract Code Section 10115.10. <br />4. Special Conditions <br />The State reserves the right to add any special conditions to this Agreement it deems necessary <br />to assure that the policy and goals of the Program are achieved. <br />5. Prevailing Wages <br />A. Where funds provided through this Agreement are used for construction work, or in <br />support of construction work, Contractor shall ensure that the requirements of Chapter I <br />(commencing with Section 1720) of Part 7 of the California Labor Code (pertaining to the <br />payment of prevailing wages and administered by the California Department of Industrial <br />Relations) are met. <br />B. For the purpose of this requirement "construction work" includes, but is not limited to <br />rehabilitation, alternation, demolition, installation or repair done under contract and paid <br />for, in whole or in part, through this Agreement. All construction work shall be done <br />through the use of a written contract, with the properly licensed building contractor <br />incorporating these requirements (the "construction contractor"). Where the construction <br />contract will be between the Contractor and a licensed building contractor the Contractor <br />shall serve as the "awarding body" as that term is defined in the California Labor Code. <br />Where the Contractor will provide funds to a third party that will enter into the <br />construction contract with a licensed building contractor, the third party shall serve as the <br />"awarding body". Prior to any disbursement of funds, including but not limited to release <br />of any final retention payment, the State may require a certification from the awarding <br />body that prevailing wages have been or will be paid. <br />HRP Program Grant — Round 4 <br />NOFA Date: 12/10/14 <br />Rev. Date: 08/01/15 <br />Prep Date: 08/18/15 <br />