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EXHIBIT D <br />HRP PROGRAM GENERALTERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />HRP Program Grant <br />Report Requirements <br />City of San Leandro <br />14-HRPP-10372 <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />During the term of this Agreement, the Contractor shall submit the following reports by the <br />deadlines specified, or as otherwise required at the discretion of the State: <br />A. The Contractor shall submit annual reports to the State thirty (30) days after December <br />31St of each year ("Annual Report"), during the term of this Agreement for as long as the <br />Contractor has not expended all Grant funds. The Annual Report shall contain (1) the <br />progress the Contractor has made in completing the approved projects partially or wholly <br />funded by the Grant, including a description of the community benefit; (2) the amount of <br />Grant funds drawn down and expended to date by the Contractor; and (3) a description <br />of projects completed. The Contractor shall use the forms provided by the State made <br />available at.httjp:/; and, <br />B. Upon complete expenditure of the Grant funds, the Contractor shall submit a final report <br />in a manner satisfactory to the State ("Final Report"). The Final Report shall be <br />submitted to the State within 60 days of June 30, 2017, the date all funds must be <br />expended. The Final Report shall contain (1) a description of the final capital assets <br />constructed or purchased with the Grant funds; and, (2) the number of certificates of <br />occupancy issued in relation to the number of building permits issued in the program <br />year. The Contractor shall use the forms provided by the State made available at <br /> . <br />2. State Contract Coordinator <br />The state contract coordinator of this Agreement for the Department is the HRP Program <br />Manager, Division of Housing Policy Development, or the Manager's designee ("State Contract <br />Coordinator'). Unless otherwise informed, any notice, report, or other communication required <br />by this Agreement shall be mailed first class to the State Contract Coordinator at the following <br />address: <br />Department of Housing and Community Development <br />Division of Housing Policy Development <br />2020 W. EI Camino Ave, P.O. Box 95250 <br />Sacramento, California 94252-2050 <br />Attention: HRP Program Manager <br />3. Audit/Retention and Inspection of Records <br />Contractor agrees that the Department or its delegatee will have the right to review, obtain, and <br />copy all records pertaining to performance of this Agreement. Contractor agrees to provide the <br />HRP Program Grant — Round 4 <br />NOFA Date: 12/10/14 <br />Rev. Date: 08/01/15 <br />Prep Date: 08/18/15 <br />