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All turf areas shall be cleanly edged to the inside (turfside) edge of any concrete <br /> or asphalt interface. All turf growing along public sidewalks and walkways shall be <br /> edged to maintain a crisp, clean edge along all such structures. Grass shall also be <br /> kept from overgrowing sprinkler heads and irrigation boxes. Edging shall also <br /> include trimming grass around trees, poles, utilities, and any other concrete pads <br /> within or immediately adjacent to the turf areas. Edging shall be done once per <br /> month during the months of November through February, and every two (2) weeks <br /> during the months of March through October. Edging shall be done by the use of <br /> power edgers or by hand. Soil sterilants or other herbicides shall not be used for <br /> edging. <br /> Care shall be taken to avoid damage by mowers to tree trunks, irrigation heads <br /> and any other utilities, facilities or structures within or adjacent to turf areas. Any <br /> damage caused by the Contractor's negligence shall be repaired at the <br /> Contractor's expense. Prior to mowing, the contractor shall insure that the mower is <br /> clean so that no roots, stolons, seeds or crowns of foreign grasses are introduced. <br /> All litter, fruit and debris in turf areas shall be picked up and disposed of properly. <br /> Litter, fruit and debris shall not be allowed to accumulate but shall be picked up <br /> and disposed of a minimum of once per week. The Contractor shall accomplish <br /> such litter and debris pickup prior to mowing to avoid shredding and dispersal of <br /> these materials. <br /> Turf fertilization shall be performed a minimum of twice per year with weed and <br /> feed, with the time to be determined with City staff. Fertilization shall be with a slow <br /> release, non-water-soluble, high nitrogen fertilizer. Chemical composition shall be <br /> approved by the City prior to application. All excess chemicals shall be cleaned <br /> from benches, tables, BBQs, and pathways. <br /> Prior to lawn fertilization with granular-type fertilizers, the Contractor shall ensure <br /> that the root zone of the turfgrass is damp and that the grass itself is free of surface <br /> moisture. Lawns shall be watered immediately after fertilization to prevent burning <br /> the grass. <br /> Weed & feed, fertilization and aeration shall be done within 30 days of the City's <br /> request. <br /> Trees <br /> Trees which are staked shall have supports kept in good repair. Any broken or <br /> damaged supports or ties shall be replaced as soon as possible. Staking shall <br /> remain in place until trees are fully capable of self-support at that time the stakes <br /> shall be removed by the contractor at no cost to the City. Trees which have low <br /> hanging, diseased, dead or broken branches shall be trimmed by the Contractor. <br /> Only those tree branches which can be pruned from the ground level using hand <br /> RFP 55025 CITYWIDE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Page 63 of 70 <br />