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S. The applicant shall install a new 15-gallon tree of equivalent species to replace the <br /> existing street tree to be removed. <br /> T. The applicant shall comply with the regulations and provisions contained in the City's <br /> Grading Ordinance, the City's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Permit, and the <br /> National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), to the satisfaction of the <br /> City Engineer. More information may be found at <br /> Stormwater from this site needs to be treated before it is discharged to the storm drain. <br /> U. Runoff from trash enclosures, recycling areas, or similar facilities shall not discharge to <br /> the storm drain system. Trash enclosure areas shall be covered and designed to avoid <br /> run-on to the trash enclosure area. <br /> V. Roof drains shall discharge to an unpaved area wherever practicable. <br /> W. Landscaped areas, including the area behind the public sidewalk, shall be graded so that <br /> irrigation and storm water does not run off. <br /> X. The applicant shall complete an Operations and Maintenance of Stormwater Agreement <br /> for any on-site storm water treatment facilities, prior to issuance of Certificate of <br /> Occupancy. <br /> Y. The developer and contractor shall use standard construction best management <br /> practices (BMP's)to prevent storm water pollution as a result of the development. <br /> • <br /> Z. Applicant shall reduce storm water pollution by implementing the following pollution <br /> source control measures: <br /> 1. All storm drains shall be marked"NO DUMPING, DRAINS TO BAY" <br /> 2. All on-site storm drains shall be inspected and, if necessary, cleaned at least <br /> twice a year including immediately prior to the rainy season. <br /> 3. Sidewalks and parking lots shall be swept regularly to minimize the <br /> accumulation of litter and debris. Steam cleaning or low volume pressure <br /> washing may be performed only after pre-cleaning using dry methods, spot <br /> cleaning and recovery in stained areas and removal of all mobile pollutants. <br /> Debris resulting from pressure washing shall be trapped and collected to prevent <br /> entry into the storm drain system. Wash water containing any soap, cleaning <br /> agent or degreaser shall not be discharged to the storm drain. <br /> 4. Air conditioning condensate shall be directed to landscaped areas. <br /> 5. Landscaping shall be designed to minimize irrigation and runoff, promote <br /> surface infiltration where appropriate, and minimize the use of fertilizers and <br /> pesticides that can contribute to storm water pollution. <br /> 6. Where feasible, landscaping shall be designed and operated to treat storm water <br /> runoff by incorporating elements that collect, detain, and infiltrate runoff. In <br /> areas that provide detention of water, plants that are tolerant of saturated soil <br /> conditions and prolonged exposure to water shall be specified. <br /> 7. Plant materials selected shall be appropriate to site specific characteristics such <br /> as soil type, topography, climate, amount and timing of sunlight, prevailing <br /> Agreement to Conditions January 4,2016 <br /> PLN15-0046 Page 8 of 13 <br />