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File Number: 16-174 <br />The revised FIRMs were advertised by FEMA and the City in various publications as <br />described in a presentation to Council on November 16, 2015. <br />The City mailed notice of the revised FIRMs to affected property owners in January, 2016. <br />This action item was advertised in several newspapers representing the diversity of San <br />Leandro and on social media. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The WPCP AC Replacement project has a budget of $860,000 that was appropriated in the <br />FY 2014-15 budget. Grading work in the vicinity of the slough may increase the project cost <br />by up to $60,000. If an additional appropriation is required it will be requested from the Water <br />Pollution Control Plant Enterprise Fund when the construction contract is awarded. The work <br />may be authorized or abandoned at that time. <br />Neptune Drive flood protection work will require a budget of $500,000. If preliminary <br />investigation reveals support among the property owners for an assessment district, $100,000 <br />of general funds will be requested for district formation, design, and permitting costs. If there <br />is not sufficient support for an assessment district Staff will return to council to review <br />alternatives. Staff will continue to seek grants to cover a portion of the project cost. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />• Slides of P Flood Zone Mitigation Presentation <br />PREPARED BY: Nick Thom, City Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 Printed on 4111/2016 <br />