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Finance Highlights 2016 0315
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Finance Committee
Finance Highlights 2016 0315
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 16-194 <br />time with family. <br />Jenny Divish asked that Council continue to consider including a CPI factor to the minimum <br />wage ordinance so that in a couple of years, we are not in the same situation. <br />Jim Kelly, resident, stated it is not just about business, it's also about the workers. The <br />benefits of raising the minimum wage must be looked at and believes that it is a myth that <br />business will suffer. <br />Pedro Salvador Sanchez (via translator) also stated he supports the increase to the minimum <br />wage. Mr. Sanchez was forced to work many hours, at the State's minimum wage level. As <br />the cost of living increase, his wage would not. <br />Augustine Rivera stated the ability to work overtime should not be a requirement to support <br />your family. We work to live and we do not live to work. All of us need an opportunity to live. <br />Mr. Rivera strongly supports an increase to minimum wage. Small businesses need to realize <br />that if the worker has more money to spend, they will. <br />Guillermo [... ] strongly supports for the $15 minimum wage and asks all elected officials fulfill <br />their promise to increase the minimum wage. He stated that unless business owners are <br />forced to pay more, they won't. Guillermo also strongly denounced the two-tiered system. <br />Oakland has allowed for non -profits such as Goodwill to be exempted. The exemption will <br />allow companies like Goodwill to use the disabilities of people like his son to benefit by not <br />having to pay higher minimum wage. <br />2.B. Discussion of Potential Local Revenue Measure for the November 2016 Ballot - <br />Medical Cannabis <br />Eric Engelbart stated that City Council approved the first marijuana dispensary in September <br />2015 and is now considering a second dispensary. Currently, the City of San Leandro does <br />not have a cannabis tax, which requires voter approval. Mr. Engelbart is asking that the <br />Finance Committee instruct staff to begin the process to add on November ballot. Staff would <br />need to know what rate should be. Mr. Engelbart provided samples of jurisdictions that have <br />the tax. Voters in both San Jose and Santa Cruz passed ballot measures that approved a tax <br />rate of up to 10%. Although both cities have the ability to charge a tax rate of 10%, they <br />chose a lower rate of 7%. As with measure HH, staff will hire a pollster to survey the citizens. <br />A cultivation urgency moratorium was passed. Would Council want to consider other <br />cannabis related business, e.g. cultivation, and bakeries? <br />Councilmember Prola approves taking a cannabis tax measure to the voters in November. <br />Councilmember Lee is in favor of tax but has concerns for low income, senior citizens, and <br />those on a fixed income (disability) that have a medical need. Prior to approving cultivation of <br />marijuana, Councilmember Lee is asking for more information as he does not know enough to <br />make a decision. There needs to be further education on the matter. <br />Mayor Cutter approves tax and agrees with polling the community. Mayor Cutter would like <br />ensure that there is a basis to provide service for low income, fixed income, and senior <br />citizens and wants to know if you those factors can be included in the tax rate. Mayor Cutter <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 Printed on 4111/2016 <br />
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