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File Number: 16-194 <br />City Manager Zapata stated we could request a range, 12% up to 14% <br />Councilmember Lee supports the range as it will benefit the City <br />Director Baum stated the increase of 12% would add approximately $100k of revenue and an <br />increase of 14% would be approximately $200k. <br />City Manager Zapata will ask staff to begin working on this and bring to Council at a future <br />date. <br />Mayor Cutter expressed concern that there may be too many taxes on the November ballot. <br />The Cannabis Tax is a necessity and is worth placing on the ballot. She wants to make sure <br />there is a benefit to the City and not anger the voters so they don't vote for anything. Mayor <br />Cutter wants to make sure the citizens know this is not a tax to residents but to a service. <br />Mayor Cutter will support the decision of the Council. <br />2.11). Business License Tax Adjustment <br />Community Development Director Battenberg considered challenges with business license <br />and it's alignment with economic development goals. Staff recommends decreasing the <br />business license tax of small business and increasing the business license tax of warehouses. <br />Also, Economic Development worked with Finance to see where business license tax has <br />been over collecting as well as under -collecting. Upon review it appears as though parking <br />lots is an area where we are under -collecting. The City of San Leandro has one airport <br />parking lot, Expresso. Although several years ago, the City increased the parking lot rates to <br />$37.52/space, and it increased revenue up to $71 k, the City of Oakland charges 18%. <br />Expresso parking has approximately 1900 spaces there is an opportunity increasing fee to a <br />% of gross receipts. If the tax was amended to charge 10% of gross receipts, the revenue <br />can increase around $500k and if we increase to 15%, the revenue can be $750k. The Tech <br />Campus will also have parking available for a fee of $2/space/day to BART riders. It would <br />not be reasonable to charge the Tech Campus $37.52/space. Therefore amending the tax to <br />a % of gross receipts would be equitable for all parking lots. <br />Councilmember Lee would like to understand the data from parking lots in Oakland. If we <br />shift the cost closer to Oakland, they will park in Oakland. What is the optimal number? <br />Councilmember Prola knows people that park at Expresso because it is much cheaper. If we <br />go up to 10% gross receipts, it is still cheaper and it's not any further. <br />Mayor Cutter agrees parking needs to be equitable. There was a question as to the charge to <br />BART and Director Battenberg stated that BART is not subject to our tax as they are a public <br />entity and they own their own land. <br />City Manager Zapata stated that Measure HH is to maintain existing services. These other <br />taxes are proposed to look at expanding services. Looking at the future shoreline <br />development without appropriate revenue we will have to look at general fund. City Manager <br />Zapata stated staff is looking for guidance on the tax measures and expressed the need to <br />increase revenue for future projects. <br />City of San Leandro Page 7 Printed on 4111/2016 <br />