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File Number: 16-194 <br />Economic Development Manager Kay stated that increasing the tax rates is revenue positive <br />but it is also aligning policy. He sees an opportunity to give a break to small business. Staff <br />proposes that we remove the per employee charge for businesses with 3 or fewer employees <br />and only charge base fee. Warehouses are huge facility. Staff is proposing to switch to a per <br />square foot like we do with commercial rental business. Charging $100/1000 square ft. will <br />generate about $300k and potential add $200k if we add distribution to the fees. It would be <br />shifting the burden from small businesses and adding accountability to businesses that have <br />trucks on the street. <br />Mayor Cutter asked if there could be a potential problem by stating some businesses pay less <br />because of the square footage, as is what happened with the school district that was going to <br />charge a house one fee and an apartment another fee. <br />City Attorney Pio Roda could not comment at this time. <br />Mr. Kay stated that the City currently charges different rates, e.g. parking lots pay per space <br />Councilmember Lee also supports the change. Questioned if a small business that had 3 <br />employees that are family members, are they included. Budget & Compliance Manager Perini <br />stated yes they are included. <br />Councilmember Prola supports change. <br />City Manager Zapata stated this call also be part of the poll. <br />Mayor Cutter again stated she wants to make certain the citizens are aware that this is not a <br />tax to all. <br />3. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />None. <br />4. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS <br />None. <br />5. ADJOURN <br />The meeting was adjourned at 6:36 p.m. <br />City of San Leandro Page 8 Printed on 4111/2016 <br />