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<br /> <br />1.3 Purpose <br />The City of San Leandro is located in an urban area and is subject to earthquakes, <br />landslides, urban/wildland fires, urban creek flooding, and major transportation <br />accidents. The City has sustained millions of dollars in damages from earthquakes, <br />flooding and landslides. As a result, in 1991, the Federal Emergency Management <br />Agency (FEMA) named the City of San Leandro as a Project Impact City which called <br />for the City to: <br /> Identify and delineate hazards, and assess risk and vulnerability within the <br />City <br /> Develop a comprehensive risk reduction program for the community that <br />includes information, education, prevention and policy/legislation <br /> Develop technical and financial assistance for safety efforts that can be made <br />available (including incentives) to facilitate loss-reduction projects <br /> Document and broadcast the successes of Project Impact <br />This Hazard Mitigation Plan (HM Plan) wraps in the many hours of work and <br />outreach devoted to the Project Impact initiative as well as current planning efforts <br />in order to comply with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requirements. <br />The Hazard Mitigation Plan, adopted on July 5, 2005 by the City Council, was <br />reviewed and commented by the State Hazard Mitigation Officer in the Governor’s <br />Office of Emergency Services, FEMA, and the public. Upon acceptance by FEMA, the <br />City will gain eligibility for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funds. <br /> <br />The Hazard Mitigation Plan is a living document which will continually evolve as the <br />City of San Leandro continues to progressively implement identified mitigation <br />strategies. <br /> <br />1.4 Authority <br />Federal Laws <br />1. " The Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950” <br />2. Public Law 96-342 “The Improved Civil Defense Act of 1980” <br />3. Public Law 91-606 “Disaster Relief Act" <br />4. Public Law 93-288 “The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief Act of 1974” <br />5. Section 322, Mitigation Planning of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and <br />Emergency Assistance Act <br />6. Public Law 106-390 enacted by Section 104 of the Disaster Mitigation Act of <br />2000 (DMA) <br />7. Interim Final Rule for DMA 2002 as published in the February 26, 2002, at 44 <br />CFR Part 201