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EXHIBIT A <br /> SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br /> The intersection of MacArthur Blvd/Superior Ave/Foothill Blvd has an existing level of service of F, which <br /> is the lowest level possible and indicates that vehicles have to wait an extremely long time to cross the <br /> intersection, especially from Foothill Blvd. In addition, the average accident rate at this intersection is <br /> approximately three to four times higher than the statewide average. <br /> A feasibility study was done by Dowling Associates, Inc. in 2006, and it found that a roundabout would <br /> provide the greatest improvement to traffic flow at the subject intersection. A traffic study by DKS <br /> Associates completed in summer 2015 confirmed the roundabout is the most effective option. The purpose <br /> of this contract is to develop construction-ready plans, specifications and estimates(PS&E) for the <br /> roundabout based on the 2008 conceptual plan prepared by BKF. <br /> CONTRACT SERVICES <br /> Task 1 —Proiect Management and Coordination <br /> The Consultant shall manage their internal project team and their subconsultant to work towards <br /> completion of the project goals. Scope of work shall include general project administration, schedule <br /> updates, invoices, meetings, implementing quality assurance/quality control, and regular communication <br /> with City staff regarding the subject project. <br /> Comments on the Geometric Approval Drawing (GAD), plans, specifications estimates or other deliverables <br /> will be reviewed, coordinated, and issues reconciled in a joint resolution team (JRT)document. <br /> Meetings related to Task 1 are listed below. City staff shall prepare the meeting minutes and provide a <br /> copy to the Consultant. <br /> Meetings: <br /> - Kick-off Meeting to finalize project objectives and scope held within 2 weeks after receipt of contract <br /> Notice to Proceed <br /> - Design Coordination Meeting#1 to refine design updates and discuss review comments on the GAD <br /> to be prepared with Task 3. Meeting to be held within 2 weeks after completion of City review of the <br /> GAD. <br /> - Focus Meeting with the City of San Leandro, City of Oakland, Caltrans, third-party stakeholders, and <br /> the general public to present the 70%design and gather comments. Meeting to be held within 2 weeks <br /> after completion of review of the 70% PS&E by the City of San Leandro, City of Oakland and Caltrans <br /> staff. <br /> - Design Coordination Meeting#2 with the City of San Leandro, City of Oakland and Caltrans staff to <br /> discuss review comments and questions related to the 70% PS&E documents. Meeting to be held <br /> within 2 weeks after the Focus Meeting. <br /> Deliverables: <br /> Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and 3/25/2016 <br /> BKF Engineers Exhibit A—Page 16 of 24 <br />