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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Project Description <br />The City has an agreement with Cal -Coast Development for development of 75 acres along the San <br />Francisco Bay shoreline including the San Leandro Marina and the City desires to develop <br />streetscape improvement plans for Marina Boulevard between Merced Street and Monarch Bay <br />Drive which serves as the primary access to the shoreline. The street improvements will consist of <br />two related but independent segments. Segment one limits are between Monarch Bay Drive and <br />Doolittle Drive and Segment two limits are between Doolittle Drive and Merced Street. <br />Improvements to Marina Boulevard are generally envisioned to consist of sidewalk improvements, <br />ADA ramp upgrades, bulb outs, landscaping, monument signs, medians, new fire hydrants, street <br />lighting, signage, undergrounding of utilities, and AC pavement rehabilitation. <br />This contract is for consulting services related to development of conceptual street improvement <br />plans for Marina Boulevard as described below. <br />Task 1— Project Management <br />Consultant shall manage his work under this contract in manner consistent with the <br />standards observed by a competent practitioner of the profession in which Consultant is <br />engaged. <br />Task 2 — Topographic Survey <br />Prepare a topographic survey suitable for design of construction documents that maps the <br />existing physical conditions and infrastructure within the project area. Survey area shall be <br />from the western crosswalk of Marina Blvd at Merced Street to 100' west of the western <br />curb line of Neptune Drive, extending the full width of the public right of way over the <br />entire length. <br />Survey shall include all above ground improvements as well as locations of underground <br />utilities. Improvements to be mapped include monuments, utility valves, manholes, and <br />inlets, storm drains, sewer lines, sidewalks, street trees or wells, street lights/signals, signage <br />and poles, roadway striping, driveways, bus stops. Location and elevation shots shall be <br />taken at high points, low points, and grade breaks. Other items determined to be of <br />importance by the consultant should also be mapped. City will provide improvement plans <br />for the area to the extent that they exist. <br />Survey datum shall be NGVD 29; a list of benchmarks for use by Consultant is located on <br />the City's website. <br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and <br />Mark Thomas and Company, Inc. for Marina Boulevard Streetscape Exhibit A — Page 1 of 3 <br />