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File Number: 16-287 <br />greater than + or - 10% and are presented in the order they are shown on the third quarter <br />financial report: <br />General Government - (64% of budget compared to 53% in 2014-15)- General <br />Government expenditures decreased by $360,000 or 11% through the third quarter due to <br />consulting services related to projects including Medical Cannabis, State Level Advocacy, <br />Public Opinion research, and other administrative projects which were in 2014-15, but not in <br />2015-16. The Budget decreased by $1.3 million mainly due to the shift of Community <br />Investment Fund budget and expenditures to the Non-Departmental category. <br />Finance - (73% of budget compared to 67% in 2014-15) - Third quarter year-to-date <br />expenditures are $266,000 or 16% higher than in 2014-15. The increase is primarily due to <br />the full-year staffing of several positions (Assistant Finance Director and Purchasing Agent) <br />that were largely vacant in 2014-15. <br />Community Development - (71% of budget compared to 62% in 2014-15) - Third quarter <br />year-to-date expenditures for the Community Development Department are $584,000 or 19% <br />more than in 2014-15 due to fuller staffing levels, bargained salary increases, and increased <br />activity that comes with enhanced business retention efforts and commercial and residential <br />construction projects. Some expenses related to an improving economy and increased <br />building and planning activity are offset by fee revenue. <br />Non-Departmental - (20% of budget compared to 144% in 2014-15) - Third quarter <br />year-to-date for Non-Departmental are $102,000 or 15% less than in 2014-15 due to timing of <br />payments for Community Assistance Grants. Non-Departmental expenditures are expected <br />to be close to budget appropriations by year end. <br />Transfers - Transfers decreased by $739,000 or 29% since the third quarter of 2014-15 <br />included the full-realization of budgeted appropriations whereas 2015-16 transfers won’t occur <br />until later in 2015-16. Transfers are manually made by journal entry. <br />Enterprise & Internal Service Funds <br />Four Enterprise Funds make up the City's business type operations. The Water Pollution <br />Control Plant Fund, Environmental Services Fund, Shoreline Enterprise Fund, and the Storm <br />Water Fund are City municipal operations designed to fully recover costs through user fees. <br />Internal Service Funds also operate as business activities, exclusively supporting the City's <br />internal operations. Facilities Maintenance, Information Technology, Insurance Services, and <br />Equipment Maintenance make up these funds. <br />The following details year over year Enterprise & Internal Service Funds expenditure or <br />revenue variances that are equal to or greater than + or - 10% and are presented in the order <br />they are shown on the third-quarter financial report: <br /> <br />Water Pollution Control Plant - Expenditures decreased by $1.6 million or 26% due to <br />the completion of the Plant renovation. Total project cost was estimated at $50 million and the <br />plant renovations had their public dedication and open house in April 2016. Revenues also <br />increased by 39% due to City receiving a $4 million settlement from a manufacturer for a <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/1/2016